Chapter 4

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Cooper's P.O.V.
I can't believe everything that has happened over the last few days. El has been suffering this long and all by herself. I feel like such a failure as her brother. Next time I see that punk Mark I swear he is going to be dead. Nobody hurts my queen and gets away with it.
Sighing as I knock on El's door but nobody answers, maybe she is still sleeping. I walked into her room to see James and Scott cuddling her while she sleeps. Smiling I turned off the television and covered the three up as I walked out the door, only leaving it cracked open.

I did not want them to get sick of course, that would be the last thing we need right now. Since we have a lot of people living together it would be easier for an illness to spread to everyone. But luckily we have someone here that knows some medical knowledge.
I am the cook of the family so I went down to the kitchen to see my brothers down their talking about Mark. Going over to the fridge I grab the eggs and sausage out of the freezer as well as the bacon. Starting the day with a full stomach is the best way to guarantee a good days of work.
"Guys what are we going to do with Mark?" I asked as I grabbed the pans from under the cabinet and set them on the stove.
Everyone stood silent and looked around at each other when Landon sighed and came over to sit the bacon on the tray and puts it in the oven turning the timer on. I don't mind the guys when they wanna help me cook. After all it makes it easier on me to feed everyone.
"I think we should call the police. But then again dad said there will be a detective here tomorrow. So maybe we should wait and see what the detective says." Landon says as he sits back down in a chair at the table crossing his arms over his chest.
"I think we should just watch out for that fucker and be here for El. She really needs us now even though she just meet some of us." Spencer said rubbing the back of his neck as I can see he does not know how to feel about this situation.
I finished making the eggs sausage and bacon when I set it all on the table as the boys began to eat. Sighing I went up to El's room and woke them up carefully not to upset baby girl. We don't need her to have any panic attacks so I had to be gentle.
Once I walked back down I sit in my chair at the end when I saw Scott and James coming in. Scott was carrying El who didn't say anything and cuddled into his chest. I wish she would do that with me. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen and I would do anything to make sure she is safe and happy.

I got up and made El and Scott's plate as she was sitting on his lap. "I'm not hungry Coopey." She whispered to me as I sit the plate down in front of her.
"I know baby but you need to eat. Don't worry we are all right here for you. Nothing is going to happen. You are safe with us around, I promise." I say kissing her head softly as she nods and picks at her food slowly but at least she is eating.

She needs to eat because if she doesn't then her health is on the line. I could tell she is starting to form depression again. Since this is starting we all have to be on high alert now. The one thing we never wanted was to lose our precious angel.
James smiles at me as we all see her slowly eating all her food, the same with all the other boys. Tension is high right now due to the recent events but we all still have to go forward in our lives. It's the only thing we can do now as well as help El through this.
While everyone else was in the living room I cleaned up the kitchen when there was a knock on the door making me jump. I went to open up the door and the person standing their was nobody we wanted to see.
"MARK!" I yelled loudly to catch everyone's attention. My blood was now boiling with anger. It took everything to hold back from punching him. But I didn't want El to see anything that would give her nightmares. She has seen enough and already having bad dreams so this would just make things worse.

El's P.O.V.
I finished eating when Scott carried me into the living room holding me closer to him. I started to fall asleep when I heard Cooper yelling Mark's name. I gripped onto Scott's shirt shaking from fear but trying not to have a panic attack. He knew I was scared because he kept whispering reassuring words to me.
I started to cry when Scott handed me to Carson and I held onto him tightly. I was so scared at what was going to happen now. "Shh sis its okay. I'm here baby I wont let him near you." Carson was telling me as he rubbed my back trying to calm me down as I bury my face into his neck crying.
Mark walks into the living room smiling. He didn't see me crying because I tired to hide behind Carson which worked. The last thing I want right now is to face that monster of a man. He haunts my everyday life and my dreams as well and I can't seem to get rid of him.

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