Chapter 13

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El's P.O.V.
I yawn as the sun shines in threw the window onto my face waking up. Stretching I turn to see Landon curled up next to me. I giggle making my way to the kitchen cooking breakfast for everyone. Letting him sleep a little longer after the events from last night.
Finally I got everything on the table hearing footsteps running down the stairs. I hurry out of the kitchen out to the beach and sit in the sand watching the sun rise. I didn't want to talk to any of them right now. Not imagining what was going through all of their heads now. I just hope I haven't hurt any of their feelings.

Looking up towards the house I see everyone eating breakfast through the window, including Landon. Sighing I strip down to my panties and bra walking into the water as a cold wind hits my skin and I shiver. I really didn't care if any of them saw me because i'm sure they have seen me naked before.
Laying on my back I float for awhile enjoying the water hitting my skin and soaking up the sun's rays hoping to get a small tan. Diving under the water to get my hair wet I come back up for air see all the guys standing there with their arms crossed. For some reason they look so mad. I wonder what I did wrong now.
I smile at them as their faces softens and I blush taking in their god like bodies. "Stop staring and come in the water already. Don't make a lady swim alone."

I wanted to change the tension in the air after the events last night. There is no better way then to swim in the ocean and letting the water relax your bodies. Sometimes I get worried about sharks but there is no blood so we should be fine.
Looking over at Landon he looks sad so I run up to him kissing his lips and letting him know not to be upset. Giggling I hop down off of him and run back into the water. Hoping Landon cheers up and that it was not his fault, I should not over think things that much.
I see Dylan looking upset so I swam over to him holding onto his arms as he stands up smiling down at me. Hopefully I can do something to cheer him up as well. I hate seeing them upset especially if i'm the reason.
Smiling up at him he blushes as I giggle winking at him as he rolls his eyes at me. "Um there is a carnival and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Like on a date with me."
I stand up looking at him in the eyes and nod my head yes as he hugs me tightly. Giggling I run inside taking a shower and getting dressed. Day number two of the guys asking me out on a date. How lucky can I be to have such men to love and spoil me.

Walking downstairs wearing a black tank top and some jean shorts I see all the boys heading upstairs smiling at me. Looking confused I shrug grabbing my bag and heading outside to Dylan's jeep waiting for him. Doesn't she know not to keep a lady waiting.

Ten minutes later he comes out to the jeep wearing a green tank top and jeans with his sunglasses on his eyes. I blush looking at how sexy he looks standing there. I can't wait to go to the carnival with him today.

Watching him walk up to my side of the Jeep as he opens the door for me as I blush and slide into the passenger seat looking down. Hopefully he doesn't see how red my face is. That would be so embarrassing. Sitting quietly in the passenger side seat as he runs to the driver side and gets in starting the car as we head off to the carnival in silence.

Dylan's P.O.V.
I watch as she swims over to me holding onto my arms causing me to I look down and smile at her as she winks and I roll my eyes at her. "Um there is a carnival and I was wondering if you want to go with me? Like on a date with me."
She stands up smiling and nods her head yes. I think my heart is going to explode out of my chest. She hugs me and heads inside to change for our date in a few. This girl is going to be the death of us all. She is perfect in every way. My heart melts just thinking about her. This is my chance to prove myself to her.   

All the guys look at me confused and I chuckled at their faces telling they don't know what was going on. "I'm taking her to the carnival today. So don't bother us please. You all know how I am when it comes to this stuff."
Walking back inside all the guys chuckled and we went to our rooms to changed and dry off. I grab a green tank top and put on my jeans. Grabbing my wallet and slide my sunglasses on. I could only imagine how she is going to react to how i'm dressed. She loves when I wear tank tops and she loves green as well. Smirking to myself I head downstairs knowing she is going to be drooling.  

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