Chapter 19: Bonus chapter

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El's pov.

Today is the day I am getting married to the boys and Alice, Jace, and Aaron are already a year old. Time has gone by so fast this last year and the boys finally asked me to marry them. When we go on our honeymoon for a week our parents will be watching the triplets.

Hearing a knock at the door as I am being pulled from my thoughts. Not sure who was on the other side but I hope it was mom to come and help me get ready for the wedding. Knowing I would not be able to get ready by myself.

"Come in." I yell loudly as I step into my closet and pull out my wedding dress sitting it on the bed as mom walks into the room with Alice in her hands.

"We are here to help you get ready while your dad is helping the boys with their suits. Those boys would not know how to tie a tie if their lives depended on it." Mom says as she sits Alice in her play pen and I nod in agreement.

"The boys haven't seen your dress yet and they are going to explode when they see you. Once I get you done we can get Alice ready." Mom says as I start taking off my clothes to get dressed and my hair already in curlers.

"I am so nervous. What if I forget my vows." I say shaking from the anxiety and the excitement of marrying the men I love.

"Honey it is normal to be nervous but if you love them enough then you will just pour your heart out to them and not worry about the vows you wrote down." Mom says as I nod and step into the dress turning around as she zips the back up.

Walking to my vanity dresser I pick up the earrings and place them in my ears and mom comes and puts the necklace on me as I sit on the vanity stool. Pulling out my makeup mom starts to put it on me so I wouldn't have to. Taking a look at Alice she is laying on her back and playing with her feet.

"Okay now let's get your hair done and then we can get Alice ready." Mom says as their was a knock on the door and mom steps up to it.

"Who is it?" Mom yells to the person on the other side of the door making sure it was none of the guys because it's bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony.

"It's dad. The boys are all ready and waiting for El, you and Alice." I hear dad says as mom opens the door and he steps in picking up Alice.

"She still needs to get her dress on dad." I say standing up as he turns to me with his mouth open looking me up and down.

"You look beautiful honey." Dad says as I smile and mom takes Alice from him laying her on the bed.

Mom takes Alice's close off and changes her diaper before putting a purple dress on her. My favorite color is purple so the guys got Alice a purple dress and they all decided to wear purple ties to match as well.

Walking over to Alice I start tickling her as she giggles and I kiss her forehead picking her up. Smiling I hand her to mom as they walk out of the room leaving dad and myself alone to talk together.

"Are you ready?" Dad asks me as I sit on the bed and he comes over sitting next to me.

"I am nervous but I am beyond ready and I am happy that you will be the one to walk me down the aisle. I love you daddy." I say turning to look at him smiling down at me.

"I love you too sweetie now let's go, those boys are waiting on you." Dad says standing up and holding an arm for me as I stand and take his arms walking out of the room.

Walking downstairs I look out the back door to see all of the guys at the end of the aisle talking silently to each other waiting for the ceremony to begin. Mom had Alice, Aaron, and Jace in the play pen sitting in a chair next to them.

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