Chapter 12

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El's P.O.V.
I smiled as I sat in the limo with Landon wondering how this night was going to turn out. I blush when I notice him staring at me. I just don't understand why they all like staring at me. Oh well I guess I can't help it anymore. They all give me so much attention and sometimes I love it but sometimes it can be overwhelming.

Clearing my throat I look up at him to seem him smirking at me causing me to blush. He grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together. His hand is way bigger than mine but I don't mind it. They always know how to make me feel safe even though their all bigger than me. Sometime they can be intimidating but I know they would never hurt me.
"What are you looking at?" I shyly said to him crossing my legs together. Him staring at me made me feel self conscious about myself. But I never say anything because I never wanna hurt his feelings.
"I'm looking at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life." He chuckles and kisses my hand causing me to blush even more.
I chuckle and slide over laying my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Smiling I turn his head down towards me leaning up and kissing his soft lips. Wrapping my left hand around the back of his next while my right hand was on his thigh. Biting his bottom lip I hear him groan causing me to giggle and pull away.

He is so loving and gentle when it comes to me and I can't help but smile as my heart flutters. I know he would never hurt me and accept my love for him. For some reason when I am around him my heart and breathe skip a beat causing me to love him more.

Landon's P.O.V.
I stare at her wondering what she is thinking about. If what she is thinking is good or bad. I cant help but look at her and her unbelievable beauty. This sucks that I have to share with the others. But for now she is mine so i'm gonna spoil her.
She asked me what I was looking at and I can never find the words to say to her. I knew she must be nervous because of the way she was moving around. After all she has never gone on a date before. Luckily I get to be her first when it comes to going out on dates.
"I'm looking at the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Smiling I open my arms for her to come here to me wanting to feel her close to me.
Once she slides over she turns my face to her and kisses me. I blush kissing back as she places her hand on my thigh and the other around my neck as I pull her closer. Her lips are so soft and gentle as well as resistible. I don't wanna break away from her but we arrived at the waterfall.
The limo comes to a stop and I open the door for her being a gentleman. Luckily i'm trying to make an impression on her even though we grew up together. Reaching my hand out for hers as she takes it as her hand is so small compared to mine. I can't wait to see her reaction for the date I have planned.
"We have to walk the path a little. If that is okay with you my love." I smile as she nods to me and my heart begins to skip beats.
I cant believe I am dating the most beautiful girl in the world. I blush and walk her down the path in silence. There are stairs leading to the picnic table that I have set up. Picking her up in my arms she seems very light causing me to worry about her eating habits. I'll have to talk to the guys about this when we get back home. I continue to walk down the stairs and sit her in the chair softly as I smile at her seeing the blush on her cheeks.

El's P.O.V.
As Landon sits me on the chair I smile looking at the view of the waterfall. My bottom lip quivers and I begin to cry thinking about how much and the others are doing for me. Nobody has ever taken me out before. Especially not a beautiful picnic at a waterfall. This night couldn't get any better.
"Aw don't cry baby. We can go somewhere else if you want. Anywhere you want just name it baby." Landon kneels down in front of me taking my hands into his as tears fall from my eyes and I chuckle looking into his eyes.
I shake my head no and hug him tightly as he chuckles and wraps his arms around my small figure body pulling me closer to him. "Nobody has done something like this for me. I love it Landon thank you so much."
He smiles and we begin to eat our dinner. He brought chicken because he knows it is my favorite. Landon knows me so well when it comes to food. But then again I love all types of food. Landon just knows which kind of food I like above the others.
After a few hours of eating and talking about each other. I see him stand up and strip down to his boxers jumping into the water. I giggle and strip completely naked as he looks at me and jumps in after him. I am comfortable being naked around the guys now and might I saw they all have god like bodies too.
I swim over to a rock and climb up laying on my back watching the stars. My view gets blocked by Landon climbing on top of me. Blushing I lean up kissing his lips wrapping both of my hands around his neck leaning my body up to his.
Hearing him moan against my lips he trails his hand down my body softly. Stopping at my pussy as he rubs his hand on it making me let out a moan as I lean my head back in pleasure. God his hand on me is sending my body into a frenzy wanting more.
He chuckles as I look away blushing knowing my face is red. All these boys know how to make me blush. He stands up taking his boxers off as his member flings out of his clothes. Landon is so sexy just like the others. Each one of the guys look like gods and I can't help myself but stare at them all.
Throwing his boxers to the side he comes back on top of me pushing himself inside me as I let out a loud moan. Causing me to wrap my legs around him tightly wanting more of him. At first he was gentle until I got used to his size because all of them are bigger than a normal size member but I am not complaining one bit. Every time he thrust inside me I let out a moan as he leans over my small body.
He speeds up his pace as he groans placing his hand around my neck choking me softly causing me to get turned on even more. "Faster baby please." I moan loudly wanting more of him inside of my body and take more control of me.
Letting out a moan he speeds up even more as I wrap my arms around him clawing his back hard making him bleed. As I do he lets out a growling moan of pleasure knowing I have found what turned him on and now able to use it against him. God he sounds so sexy when he moans.
I kiss his lips hard as my body heats up and I tighten up around him. He feels me doing this and he goes even faster than before as I squirm around under him. I look down at him going inside me blushing. Then I look back up at him as he towers over me smiling as he blushes. His eyes were full of nothing but lust and pleasure for me.
Leaning my head back we cum together letting out a moan in pleasure as he falls next to me. Trying to catch our breathe as we both let out a chuckle. That was really amazing and intense. I am never going to get used to making love to these men.
He gets up putting his boxers on and looks down at me smiling. "We should get home now. It's getting late baby girl."
I looked confused when he said that not sure what to feel at this moment. He comes over to me as he freaked out. "Oh shit wait that's not what I meant Elizabeth. I'm sorry. Let me explain."
Before he could continue I jumped off the rock and went to go put my clothes back on and started walking home. I refused to get into the limo with him right now. I was being used for sex. I knew it this whole time. They were all using me and I believed they loved me. I'm so stupid and should have known better than to trust them. I guess I will never be happy no matter where I went.

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