Chapter 16

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Asher's P.O.V.

Smiling I walk into El's room to see her naked on her bed alone noticing that the two guys already got up for the day. She looks so peaceful and sexy at the same time. I have to admit staring at her naked body is turning me on. Right now is not the time for this just yet. It has to be perfect for us.

Its already noon so Cooper and Alex have already gotten up thankfully. I don't have to stare at there naked bodies. That would be awkward and disgusting since they are boys. I will not lie though, we all have sexy looking bodies especially Elizabeth.

They went Christmas shopping for everyone with some of the other guys. I will end up doing it after I go out with El. It's almost Christmas thankfully and its El's favorite holiday as well as mine. It is my favorite season the same with El. This year we all wanna make it special for her as her boyfriends.

Today is Spencer and I's day to spend time with her finally. Me and Spencer want to take her on a picnic on the beach today since it is supposed to be nice out today and not to cold either. I already told the rest of the guys and they said they wouldn't bother us.

Softly I shake El making sure her body is still covered with the blanket I covered her up with so she doesn't get uncomfortable. "Hey baby wake up. Me and Spencer want to take you on a date."

She groans and slowly wakes up giving me a kiss on my lips as a warm feeling grows through out my body and I never wanna move from this spot with her. I blush and leave the room letting her get dressed unfortunately. She is so adorable in the morning when she first wakes up. But I don't think she realizes that she is naked from her fun last night.

Spencer's P.O.V.

I am setting up the blanket and everything else up on the sand as I see Asher walking towards me. He went to go wake up our princess for the picnic date we came up with. Hopefully she comes out soon before it gets to chilly.

"Is she waking up?" I ask as he nods yes to me not saying a word as I smile. We both finish setting everything up on the blanket making sure no sand gets on the food. I can't keep myself from smiling as we walk into the house waiting for El to get ready wondering what she plans on wearing.

El's P.O.V

Groaning I walk into my closet finding my blue strapless dress that I love wearing. I don't wear a bra because it has one built into it already. Slipping on my blue lace panties and my flip flops. I hurry and run down the stairs seeing Asher and Spencer smiling at me. I wonder what they have up their sleeves but I can't wait to see what we are doing today.

"Where are we going guys? I am yours for the day so we can do anything." I smile at them as they stay quiet not wanting me to know. I knew they was going to surprise me today.

"That is a surprise my princess. You will just have to wait and see for yourself now." Asher says softly nibbling my ear as I let out a shaky breathe and a soft moan.

Grabbing one of their hands each I giggle seeing their blushing faces. This is the best feeling I have had since I started going out with the boys. I really could get used to this kind of attention with the boys. But still my body felt strange in a way. My gut kept telling me that something was going to happen and soon.

They lead me to the beach where a black and white blanket and pillows is set up and a couple of baskets. I cover my face smiling and blushing as they fist bump each other. Of course they had to fist bump each other. I guess it is their own way of saying good job.

"You both are so amazing. Thank you so much." I give each of them a kiss and sit on the blanket crossing my legs so I don't show them my panties. Waiting for them both to come to me as I cross my arms looking at them.

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