Chapter 15

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El's P.O.V.

I slowly flutter my eyes open seeing that I am still in my closet where I slept last night away from everyone. I just needed time alone away from all the guys. Remembering everything that has happened I don't think I could face any of the guys. But after what Scott texted me last night I am sure everything is going to work out now. Maybe for once now I can be happy. We will just have to wait and see now what is going to happen.

Stepping out of my closet I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower making sure to wash the chlorine out of my hair. Plugging up my phone to my speakers and playing relaxing violin music to calm my nerves. Once I was finished I put on my bikini slipping on a tank top over it and a pair of shorts over my bikini bottoms. Hopefully I get to go swimming today with the boys that's if they are not mad at me.

Looking at my phone its 4 am and I am sure all of the guys are sleeping still. After all I am an early riser ever since I was little. Unplugging my phone and putting it in my shorts pocket making sure it does not fall out. Opening my bedroom door I creep down the hallway to the stairs. I had to tiptoe while passing all the boys rooms. I didn't want to wake them up just yet.

Making my way to the kitchen I go to the freezer and take out a tub of ice cream while sitting on a stool by the bar in silence. Slowly eating the ice cream I sniffled and feel arms around me causing me to get scared. I jump and turn around seeing very sleepy boys. I guess I wasn't quiet enough when I passed their doors.

Avoiding their gazes I look down to the floor not wanting to see the disappointment on their aces. I know looking at them I could tell they are all hurt or heartbroken. Me being the cause of it again. I just want them to be happy with me.

Hearing a voice sounding like Asher made me jump out of my thoughts. "Listen El, we all have decided to share you. We don't want to have you pick just one of us. That wouldn't be fair to us or you. Plus if it makes you happy then we don't mind it."

Still looking down I can hear Cooper speak up next as I pick at the ice cream. "He's right. We want you to be happy. So if that means we share you then so be it. You have nothing to be worried or scared about. We love you just the way you are."

Nodding I look away still avoiding their stares. All of a sudden I feel arms wrap around me as tears well up in my eyes. Looking up I see Scott hugging me as his arms tighten up around my body. I start to cry as the rest of the boys comes up and hugs me. Letting go all the emotions I had bottled up inside.

I smile after i'm done crying as I am now sitting on the bar stool again eating my ice cream. Feeling better after crying to the boys and them being very understanding of the situation. For a weird reason I always feel better after I cry. I guess its just natural for me to feel that way after crying.

Looking around the room I see the boys yawning because of how early it is in the morning. Maybe them being up so early isn't the best idea. Growing up none of them were early risers like I am but I don't mind it one bit.

"Okay go back to bed. I'm gonna finish my ice cream. I will be fine." I say taking a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth giving the boys a goofy face because of the cold.

Seeing everyone nod at me smiling melted my heart as I blush. All of the boys head back to bed except for Alex and Cooper. I guess they didn't have want me to be alone but I don't mind the company of any of them.

Turning to them I smile evilly getting turned on for some reason. "Wanna go for a swim in the hot tub?" I say softly putting the tub of ice cream in the trash and my spoon in the sink to be washed later on.

Their eyes widen as they shake their heads yes repeatedly. Giggling I slowly run out to the hot tub while they went to go change into their swim trunks. Lighting some candles and dimming the lights some to make it look more romantic. They both are in for a surprise when they come back.

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