Chapter 10

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El's P.O.V.
Staring at Ben watching the anger and hurt come across his face broke my heart. I started to breathe quickly unable to catch my breathe. Before I know everything started to get fuzzy as I was gasping for air.
Ben came over to me and I could tell he was talking to me but I couldn't tell what he was saying. Feeling myself fall off the bed as I hit my head and lose consciousness. Slipping slowly into darkness as I lay there on the floor with just my bra and panties on.

Ben's P.O.V.
Walking into her bathroom opening the closet I grab her pajamas. I could see a small box hidden under some towels wondering what was in it. Grabbing the box I open it and see razors that were rusted and some that had fresh blood on them. I have never been so angry and hurt in my whole life than I am right now.
Walk out of the bathroom with her pajamas in one hand and the box in my other. Tears were falling from my eyes as I look at El. I wanted her happy and I did not know that she was this broken and sad.
She started to have a panic attack and was unable to control herself. Running over to her as I hand the box to Alex and Dylan. I needed to calm her down now before she lost consciousness otherwise she would panic herself to sleep.
"Hurry go get the others. We will talk about this later." I tell the boys as they run out of the room going to get the others.
"Baby look at me. Its gonna be okay we are here. Please breathe calm down." I urged to her as she wasn't calming down knowing it's not working.
I rub the back of my neck as I see her falling onto the floor. She hits her head and closes her eyes. I start to freak out and yell shaking her. This could end very badly right now and I don't know what to do.
"ELIZABETH!!! ELIZABETH ROSE DAWSON! PLEASE WAKE UP!" I started crying and screaming trying to wake her up.
James comes in and pushes me out of the way. I sat on her bed with my head in my hands as Michael comes over and hugs me. She was hurting her self and she must feel ashamed that we found out about it and it must have overwhelmed her.

James's P.O.V.
I see El on the ground unconscious with Ben shaking to wake her up. Running over i push Ben out of my way as I begin to exam her. I noticed a gash on her head from hitting the table. Lifting her up onto the bed I run and grab my medical bag out of my room.
Telling everyone to leave the room I begin to exam her body even more making sure she okay before covering her up. I started to stitch up her head while she was already asleep. Luckily she didn't have any new self harm marks on her so that is a good sign.
Walking downstairs to the living room with the guys I sigh. That was the fastest that I have ever stitched her up. I'm starting to get used to treating her and it's the worst feeling ever. She should not be treated all the time the way she does. It hurts me so much that she gets hurt.
"She should be okay. What caused her to have a panic attack?" I look at Alex, Dylan, and Ben not wanting to look in that box again.
Dylan is holding a box as I look at him curious nodding my head at the box. Walking over to him as I open and look inside only to find razors. Some were fresh and the others were rusted. Sitting it on the table for everyone to look inside. Rubbing the back of my neck I look around at their facial expressions. I just know that getting these away from her are a good thing for her. That way she won't hurt herself anymore.
"Okay here is what we are going to do? She should be with one of us no matter what. We don't want a repeat of this happening again. Also keep an eye on her eating habits. She needs all the rest she can. So since she is asleep. Continue to pack your rooms. While a few of us begin on her room." I say sternly clenching my jaw tightly as I look around at everyone.
Scott nods and sighs as I stare at him listening to him talking. "I will start on her room now. My room is already packed up so I can help with hers. Once you get done with your rooms let me know so you can come help me."
Everyone went up to their rooms to finish as Scott and I head back into El's room and started packing. Scott put together the boxes as I fold her clothes and place them nicely in the boxes. We will be done soon packing so that way she can rest up and not have to worry about anything.

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