Chapter 2

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El's P.O.V.

I cry as I ride up to my secret spot by the waterfall. Only Ben knows where this place is though. He is the one who gave it to me because of how beautiful it was and he understands that I need some privacy away from the other guys. He always told me the way the sun shines on the waterfall makes my face sparkle at the right angle. Ben sure does know what I truly love to hear.
I climbed off of rose and looked at my reflection in the water wondering what I did wrong. I didn't deserve this. Mark was my first love and I thought we were doing so good together but then he snaps and hurts me. What am I going to tell my family? Am I really that horrible of a girlfriend?
After about two hours of doing nothing but crying I hear a horse heading this way. I knew it was Ben coming to get me. After all he was the one who found this place in the first place. He's probably gonna try to convince me into coming home.

"Hey princess. Wanna talk about it? I'm sure it will make you feel a lot better." Ben says as he jumps off his horse and sits next to me as she puts his arm around my shoulders trying to comfort me. I do feel safe around him and my other brothers but this scares me.
"Only if you promise not to tell the others yet. I wanna be the one to tell them what happened. I'm just scared right now." I look down picking at my finger nails scared of how he was going to react. I never wanna disappoint any of my family or put on any more stress.
"I promise baby now spill it." Ben says tightening up his grip on my shoulder. Making me feel even safer than what I am now as I lean my head on his chest and spill out everything to him.
"The night of Mark's party. I got really drunk not really sure on how though. I think he put something in my drink but i'm not sure yet. Anyways he took me to his room and locked the door. I kept trying to fight him but my body was so weak and nobody could hear me because of the music. Ben he raped me! I tried to stop him! I screamed but nobody came so I gave up." I cried loudly and covered my face so he wouldn't see me cry.

Ben has only been the one to see me cry. He knows I cry when i'm beyond upset about something. I never cry in front of anyone because I don't want to look weak. It would ruin my brothers reputations if they had a weak crybaby as a sister.
"That fucker! Did he do anything else baby! Please tell me!" Rage was all I could see in his face at this moment.
I sniffled and lifted up my shirt showing my bruised ribs. Knowing that Ben was gonna be mad for not telling him about how bad Mark has hurt me. I am just scared on what he is going to do now that he knows. The last thing I need is stressing out my brothers because I got hurt.

"Earlier I went to the stable and Mark came in and told me to keep quiet or I will regret it and then he kicked me. Ben, Dylan was there and started laughing at me and didn't help me. Why didn't he help me?" I say softly trying not to have a panic attack in front of him as tears fall from my eyes and I couldn't control my emotions anymore.
Ben hugged me and told me that he would keep me safe no matter what. He agreed to stay in my room tonight to protect and comfort me. He knew I was beyond scared. Every time I am scared he never leaves my side. I love my brothers but Ben always has a way of making me feel secure and safe.
"Let's go home baby girl. I got you forever and always. We can tell the boys together if you want. I'm sure you would feel better that way." Ben said as he kissed my head and carried me to his horse as he mounted me up and jumped on behind me holding me to his chest.

On the way back home I slowly drifted off to sleep and we walked with Rose right next to us. By the time we got home I was fast asleep on Ben when I heard everyone talking. I don't want to face them just yet and Ben knows that. The last thing I want to do is confront my family right now because of how tired I am.
The boys kept asking Ben what happened being loud. I woke up from all the noise as I start looking at Dylan and begin crying again. Remembering what happened in the stable as he stood there and let Mark hurt me. How could I ever face him when he didn't help me to begin with?

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