Chapter 1

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El's P.O.V.


I groan as I turned off the alarm clock next to my bed on the table remembering everything that happened last night as I tried not to cry again. Turning to sit on the side of my bed, I rub my eyes knowing that they were red from crying. I could also see the blood still on my legs and my bed sheets. Standing up I stretch still in the clothes from the party knowing I need to hurry before mom or my brothers walk in on me.

Stripping my bed sheets off I throw them into the laundry basket in my room. I will have to wash them when I get cleaned up. Knowing I don't want anyone to suspect anything. Needing to tell them what happened when I was ready. Right now I am an emotional wreck because of what Mark did to me.

Sitting on the edge of my bed I start to shiver due to the cold air hitting my skin. For some reason my room is always cold no matter what. But hey I don't mind because it gets hot during the summer. It always sucks though because the boys come in here to cool off. I can never get any privacy from them unfortunately.

Getting pulled out of my thoughts I hear a knock at my door and lazily got up unlocking the door opening it to see my mom looking worried. She can always tell when something is wrong with me. I guess it is just a motherly instinct. Luckily she did not see the blood that was on my legs or on my bed.

"Hey honey are you okay? You came home upset last night. I knew something happened at the party. When you are ready to talk then i'm here for you baby." She had a worried look on her face as she said to me and I just gave her a small smile not wanting her to worry about me at all.

"I'm fine mom. Me and mark broke up last night so I was kinda upset. I'm over it now but thank you for worrying. Give me some time and I will come down soon mom. I love you." I fake smiled at her. I knew i couldn't tell her. She is stressed out enough because of work. After all she is the CEO of a modeling company.

"Okay honey I love you more." She sighs as she kisses my cheek and heads downstairs. Leaving me to my own thoughts of how to break the news to her and the boys.

I closed my door and let out a long sigh of relief that she did not see the blood from last night. How could I tell my mom or brothers that Mark raped and beat me last night. It would ruin everything. I just have to keep it a secret and hope for the best. I'm good at hiding things from her and the boys so I have no problem. Hoping they don't hate me once they do find out because the truth comes out sooner or later but in my case I want it to be later.

Walking into the shower I grabbed my razor. A few cuts could help the pain from last night right. I cried as I cut the skin on my leg before washing off all of the blood and getting dressed walking down the stairs only to see the one I hated the most, Mark. I know he will be sticking around to make sure I don't tell about what he did to me at the party last night.

"Hey El are you okay baby?" Ben one of the twins asked me with a confused and worried look on his face. I looked around at all my brothers and nodded before walking out of the house. I just wanted to get away from that monster as fast as possible.

"Breakfast is ready sis!" Scott yelled before I walked out of the house. He is always the one taking care of us while mom is working. I guess he is truly like a father to us.

"I'm not hungry!!" I yelled before slamming the door shut running to the stables. Wanting to be alone away from my brothers and that monster in my house. If I stayed any longer I would break and tell them everything that has happened and all hell would break loose.

I go up to Rose my horse who is a black mustang when Mark comes up behind me. I tenses up and freeze as I turn around and he hits me hard across my face as tears well up in my eyes. Falling to the ground as I hold my cheek where he just hit me. I guess he finds it funny to hurt me even though he said he loved me.

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