Chapter 4.

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Harry Potter posted on his story

Harry Potter posted on his story

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I need someone to talk to rn :/

Seen by Mione, Draco and 115 more

Draco replied to your story :

Draco- Hello Potter

Harry- well hello Malfoy

Draco- think it's about time we talk

Harry- okayyy go ahead

Draco- well obviously we're going into 8th year in 2 days and I decided that I can't stand being enemies anymore soooo....

Harry- so you want a truce?

Draco- exactly

Harry- ok then how about we meet up then. The 3 broomsticks tomorrow at 4:00pm

Draco- sounds good

Harry- see you there Malfoy 

Draco- bye Potter
Read at 6:00pm

Ginny replied to your story:

Ginny- Harry I don't hate you

Ginny- I know we broke up and I have moved on and I think you should too

Harry- calm down Ginny don't worry that post wasn't about you

Ginny- ohhhh thank God

Ginny- wait who was it about then

Harry- ummmm I can't tell you right now but I promise I will soon

Harry- oh and by the way Go get Luna it's so obvious you like her

Ginny- hahahah shhhhh
but acc don't tell anyone

Harry- I won't but can I tell you something

Ginny- of course

Harry- I think I'm gay

Harry- well I know I am

Ginny- I'm so happy for you Harry but I'm pretty sure everyone knows
when are you telling them though

Harry- probably tonight

Ginny- ok ttyl then love youuuu

Harry- love you too gin
Read at 6:30pm

It's been ages since I wrote this chapter but if anyone knows someone I can put in for Draco
The one I have it way to manly for the character of Draco in this story

I'll remove this message once I find one

~ Aria

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