Chapter 8.

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Draco POV

I looked in the mirror, uhhhh I I looked awful, and literally don't have anything to wear.

Where was pansy at. As soon as I thought this there was a loud bang and pansy entered my room very ungracefully.


"Cheers pans"

"Sorry that was abit mean, but you do need to look perfect for your date so Potter falls in love with you, because we both know your personality won't win him over"

"ITS NOT A DATE and I'm perfect don't underestimate me bitch"

She just scoffed and rolled her eyes at me while she headed to my wardrobe and started pulling outfits out.

After what felt like years she looked up and handed me blacked skinny jeans,a black denim jacket with a twenty-one pilots shirt. I went to the bathroom tried it on and looked in the full length mirror. Not bad i actually looked ok.

After combing through my hair and putting a ton of gel in it I came out of the bathroom.Pansys jaw just dropped.

"SHITTTT you my bitch gonna be getting dick tonight whether it's Potters or the waiters"

"Fuck off Pansy"

"Ok but seriously you look good"

"Ok but tell me something I don't know"

I said bye to Pansy after promising several times that I would tell her everything that happens. Not that anything will.Just some food with potter nothing much normal friends thing definitely not a date.

I went through this a few times in my head before locking up my flat to go to my car ( yes in invested in such a Muggle item ) and headed to our meeting place.

~ Aria

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