Chapter 16.

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Draco POV

The sun shone through the window as I woke up and I looked to see my beautiful boyfriend asleep next to me. It felt good to call him that. He was mine and I wanted to make sure everyone knew it.

I straddled him and kissed him all over his face then down his neck. I ran my hands down his chest and he plastered a small smile on his lips which I pressed a small kiss to.

I sucked on his neck making sure he was marked as mine and kissed right down his chest till his waistband. I kissed around until I grabbed it with my teeth and pulled them down.

Harry's cock stood up, already hard. I looked over to Harry who had a shocked look but his eyes were also filled with lust.
I took the head into my mouth and sucked taking it deeper into my mouth.

Harry then stood up taking it out and pulled me up. He pushed me down onto my knees and pushed his dick back in until it reached the back of my throat. I balled my hand it a fist to stop myself from gagging. (A/N - that does actually work)

Harry grabbed my hair and slammed back into my mouth repeatedly. He was moaning and throwing his head back on to the wall behind him. I kind of regretted not putting a silencing charm up but whatever, I was getting face fucked by Harry Potter I wanted everyone to know I made him make those sounds. He released into my mouth with a loud groan and I swallowed it all and licked round my mouth with a light moan.

"Where did you learn that" Harry  said very out of breath.

"Guess you'll never know"

Harry just stared at me for a while slowly licking his lips. I knew what he wanted but I didn't want to give him it.

"Well I'm going to get a shower" I said breaking the silence

"Yeah and I'm coming with you"

"Hurry up then we don't have long till breakfast"

I turned on the shower and climbed in with Harry. I washed myself until I looked up to find Harry not doing anything but standing there.


"Are you going to do something instead of just stand there"

"What would you like me to do baby" he whispered seductivly, looking me up and down

I just laughed even though I knew he was being serious and got out of the shower wrapping a towel loosely around my waist.

He came out and attacked me to the bed so he was laying I between my legs. He was grinding up against me. I wrapped my legs around him a discarded of the towels.

He kissed up and my neck until he met my lips. He kissed me deeply pushing his tounge into my mouth and exploring every inch. 

I pushed him off and went to get dressed. I didn't want it to happen like that. Once I was ready I came to him and we walked to breakfast.

"You know you don't have to do anything with me if your not comfortable"

"I am comfortable, I done stuff with guys before, I just want it to be special not just 'we came out the shower and fucked' "

"Ok then, I get you"

He gave me a quick kiss then went off to the Griffindor table as I went to mine.


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