Chapter 11.

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Draco POV

Pansy came into my room as soon as she could.

Honestly I'd decided maybe it was a good idea to tell her she'll give me advice once she's finished ranting at me.

"So,get started"

Here goes.

"Right so... It was good for a bit we were talking as friends.Yeah it was good but then I noticed Harry had like zoned out or something, you know, wasn't really listening to me"

I paused and looked up for my lap to see pansy staring at me concerned.

"Carry the fuck on"

"Ok ok . So then he...sort off...erm

"Spit it out bitch"

"HE KISSED ME OK...and I fucking liked it"

"AHHHHHH HE WHATTT OMG DRAY THATS AMAZING EEEEEE IM SO HAPPYYY!!My ship has sailed awwww so it was a date!!
Wait why were you sorry then"

"Oh erm..I might have pushed him off and ran"

"You did WHATT"

I knew that was my time too run. Trust me an angry pansy is not what you want to be in a room with. Especially if you're the reason she's mad.

I quickly jumped off the bed and out the door and as fast as I could down the halls.


I turned my head to look behind me and laughed.

Well that might have been a mistake because as I did that I crashed straight into someone knocking them to the ground with me landing on top.

Now you're probably thinking this situation couldn't get any worst. Well so did I until I looked down and my gazed fell to the boy I had landed on and was still straddling.

Emerald green eyes met my own.

Fuck. Course it was Potter.

"As much as I like this position Malfoy, I'd rather not be in the middle of the corridor"

Then he smirked. And I froze. He looked so good and I was literally sat on him and and

"Draco please"

"Fuck ermm sorry erm yeah sorry"

I quickly got off him just as Pansy ran around the corner. She looked at me then at potter then back at me smirked.

"Ha gay" then turned and walked away just as I heard her say to a third year
"my best friend gay for Harry Potter, how does that make you feel"

I just looked back at Harry who looked at me and blushed.

He grabbed my hand and lead me too his room.

I've realised this is becoming less like a Instagram story and more of just a real life au I hope that's alright. I just prefer writing like this although I'll still have snapchat and Instagram chapters it will mainly be real life

~ Aria

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