Chapter 28.

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A/N sorry it's been a while but here's a new chapter finally

Previous chapter recap

"I honestly could take you right here right now baby boy"

"Go on then Potter"


Dracos POV

Harry let out a low groan before going back into kiss me while pulling my hips up towards his crotch and grinding down on me causing me to let out a whimper and push further against him trying to create more friction.

"Uhhh more Harry please" I whined circling my hips "I want more"

He stopped his motions briefly and knelt up on his knees "Greedy boys don't get anything draco so I suggest you shut up before I stop completely"

The dominate side of him only turned me on more and I let out a soft moan but did I was told.
"ok I'm sorry" he gave me a stern look before sliding back down on top of me pining my arms above my head and kissing me deeply. My arms went around his neck as he bit my lower lip causing a moan to fall out of my mouth.

Taking the opportunity he slipped his tongue inside my mouth making me gasp and moan louder. He began grinding his crotch against mine once again as a pulled on his hair roughly sightly begging for more.

"Lie of your front across the seats baby" I did as I was told and turned to lie face down. He roughly grabbed my ass forcing my hips up and pulling my trousers of in a swift motion so all I was left in was my lace.

Harry took the material between his lips and slowly dragged it down to my thighs. I gasped as the cool breeze hit my bare ass but it was soon replaced by pleasure when he spread my cheeks apart and started licking my hole.

"Fuc-..keep goin- ahh more please spotter more" Instantly regretting begging as the sharp pain of Harry's hand slapping my arse shot up me.

"I warned you stay, I don't like boys who say I want."

He want back to my hole lapping over it a few more times before lubeing up a finger and slowly pushing it in. I screamed in pleasure and pushed back on his finger trying to get more. He added another as well as his tongue and began pumping in and out of me causing to scream and moan louder.

"Uhhhh right there Haz, ohhhh feels so good keep going-" I moaned out as he hit my prostate over and over. Just as I was about to cum he pulled them out and licked all around them staring me dead in the eye as I turned my face to look at him.

My hair was stuck to my forehead my lips stained read and a light blush on my cheeks, I was slightly out of breath.
"You look beautiful baby boy"

He gave me a light kiss before pilot his own pants down and taking his cock out living it up whilst still staring at me. I moaned loudly just at the sight of him stroking himself.
He pushed the tip into me slowing causing my head to drop down and let out a low grunt. Harry took this as a sign and carried on until he was half in and I was squeezing my eyes shut half from pain half from pleasure.

He traced his fingers along the small of my back and leans down to whisper reassurely into my ear. I nodded slowly motioning him to carry on. He pushed in fully and stopped for a few seconds allowing me to adjust before pulling out and roughly slamming back into me causing me to scream out in pleasure and beg for more. He put his hand through my head pulling my head back and thrusted into me repeatedly as he grunted and moaned.

"HARRY-uhhhh I'm gonna cu-" as I said this warm liquid flow from my dick all over my stomach and the back seats of the car.
Almost a second later Harry released inside of me and pulled out as I felt his warm seed drip down my hole.
His tongue was suddenly back there lapping up his own cum before pulling me into his lap and licking the excess of his lips.

He pulled me in for a kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head into him.
"I love you Potter"

"Same....I love me too" I lightly slapped him on the chest and giggled

"I hate you" I laughed

"Heyyyy I'm joking I love you too my darling" he cuddled me closer as I buried my head further into his chest. " I love you so much, more than you could imagine."

the end

Sorry I haven't updated for so long
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter


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