Chapter 14.

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Draco's POV

Tonight was the night we all going out for tea. I was excited to be honest . Weasly and Granger are really cool actually but only thing was I wanted to tell everyone about me and Harry but then again what were we.

We clearly like each other but we hadn't put any labels on. And for all I know he could be of snogging someone else aswell. Wait I don't want to think of that. Harry's mine.

"Heyy you okay" Pansy said coming beside me.

"Yeah I'm off to the dorm to choose something to wear for tonight"

"Omg I'm helping you"

"Of course you are"

Harry's POV
We were all waiting down stairs. Me,Ron,Hermione,Pansy,Dean,Seamus,Blaise,Theo and Neville.

We were just waiting on Draco who was taking forever. I was starting to get impatient. We only going out for Dinner, he didn't need to look that fancy why was he taking so long.

"Ok where is Draco." Seamus asked impatiently

"Oh he's here"

I looked up, to see the prettiest sight if ever seen. Ok Draco can take as long as he wants if he's gonna look that good. He was in black tight leather trousers which made his arse look 😍.

And he was wearing a tight pink top
aswell. His figure look drop dead gorgeous, honestly I wanted to just go back up to my room and fuck him like nothing else.

"Harry mate you ok"

"Yeah yeah fine,just stunned"
I whispered the last part

"Holy shit Draco, you look hot as hell" Theo said coming closer to Draco.

I sent a death glare to him because no one speaks about my baby like that apart from me. Draco came to me and connected our fingers.

"Hi" he said innocently

"Hello there baby"
"Are you ok"

"More than ok, and my mood changed when you came down the stairs in all your glory"

"Shut up potter"

"Potter, back to last name basis are we"

Draco just rolled his eyes and we all began walking to the restaurant. I sat next to Draco, only for him to look down and notice my problem.
He leaned in close to my ear so his lips touched the tip.

"Want some help with that baby"

"Draco no"

"What." He looked at me with hurt in his eyes, I couldn't help but feel bad but I also didn't want to get another hand job while all my friends were around.

"Fine then," He took his hand off my neck and face completely away from mine and scooted away from me, more over to Theo.

That made me mad but what was I supposed to do. I saw Theo whispered something in Drays ear and Draco flung his head back laughing. I placed a hand on his thigh, only for his to brush it off. Wow, guess I've learnt my lesson never to turn Draco down.

I put my mouth to his ear,

"I'm sorry" I nibbled on the tip of his ear slightly, I kept a hand in front so that it looked like I was just whispering.

I was sucking on his earlobe and rubbing up and down his thigh, when I saw an obvious tent in his tight trousers. I slightly brushed over it while still sucking on his lobe until he was biting his lip trying to stop himself moaning while Theo was talking to him.

I just smirked and went back talking to Ron and Neville.

*back at Hogwarts*

We all arrived back at Hogwarts quite early and all wanted to do something fun.

Pansy then squealed "what about truth or dare"

We all agreed and went to the room of requirements, where there were loads of bean bags. We all took a seat in a circle and the game began.

"Ok I'll go first" Pansy of course "Draco truth or Dare"


"I dare you too sit in Potters lap for the rest of the game"

He crawled over to me and climbed in my lap. He shuffled around a bit to try get comfy moving his arse around my dick.

I dropped my head to his shoulder and whispered
"Draco stop that now"

"Stop what". He said carrying on

"Grinding your fucking arse into my dick, we only just started the game and I'm about to finish"

"Oh um sorry"

I wrapped my arms around his middle and he held on to the front of my hands. He leaned himself back into my chest and I placed my chin on his shoulder. It was now Draco's turn

"Ok Theo truth or dare"

"Ummm Truth"

"Who do you find the most attractive in this room"

He took a drop of the truth potion and then answered

"You" snickerers were heard all around the room and my grip on Draco got harder.

I growled into Draco's ear "your mine" and he turned around to look at me, looking abit shocked at my possessiveness but in a good way.

Theo then spoke up

"Harry truth or dare"

"Ummm dare"

"Ok I dare you to kiss the person you find most attractive "

Thank God I can now show Theo that Draco's mine.

I pushed Draco of my lap and crawled over him and leant down to kiss him.

Our lips moved in sink and our tounges were fighting in dominance. Which I obviously won, my touge was exploring his mouth and Draco's hands were running down my sides until we heard someone clear there voice, we broke away and smiled

"That's enough, you did your Dare" wow his face was fuming.

We went back to our original position, Draco sat on my still hard dick, and the game carried on.

It was back to being Draco turn. Wasn't looking forward to this.

"Truth or dare"

"Dare why not"

"I dare you too kiss Theo"

Draco head just turned to me and his mouth jutted open. I really didn't want this.

"Um no, I don't want to do that"

"You have to Draco of you can't play truth or Dare with us ever again,you know the rules, your choice."

I knew Draco would do it , we weren't anything yet so he had no loyaltys to me. He crawled out of my lap and sent me an apologetic look before attaching his lips with Theo.

Theo was trying to push him down into the position me and Dray had been in. It got to much I got up and left not wanting to see any more. Slamming the door on the way out.

I wanted to mix things up abit with Theo. I hope you all liked it
~Aria x

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