Chapter 10.

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Draco POV
Fuck why did I run. Harry fucking potter just kissed me. As in the boy I've liked for agess and I ran like a bitch. I spotted Pansy and already knew she gonna murder me let's face it. Aghhhh fuck my life.

"Heyy how did your date go with potter"

"Fine" I replied bluntley

"Hey I need details"

"Nothing happened. It was fine."

"Come on bitch, your hiding something "

"Yes I am but I like it to stay hidden thanks now move"

"Ok ok sorry Dray" she muttered

I was so mad. Mad at Potter. Mad at myself. Mad at the fact I has feelings for him. Mad at the fact that I can't ever be with him because I can't even express those feelings without running away.

I can't bare this why the fuck did I run. I need that fucking boy.

DRACO posted a story

DRACO posted a story

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I'm sorry

Seen by Harry, Pans and 197 more

Harry replied to your story:

Harry- Dray it's fine if you don't feel the same way I'm sorry if that pushed u to far

My feelings got in the way of us being friends we can go back to that if it makes u more comfortable I'm sorry I've probably ruined everything

Read 9:30pm

Pans replied to your story

Pans- Draco I'm not giving you an option, tell me what happened now on your date now or I'm putting vertisium (a/n I don't know how to spell it) in your drink and forcing it out of you.

Draco: fine come to my dorm

Pans: Already on my way beautiful

I don't know about this chapter but Yeahh

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