Chapter 9.

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Harry's POV
Shit! Draco looked hot. For a whole hour or more I have to sit and try not to drool.

To be honest I was having a good time, we were just acting like normal friends but that was the problem I didn't want to be just friends. He was the reason I realised I was gay.Ughhh he'll never feel the same way.

"So what do you think then" Draco asked pulling me out of my thoughts
Shit I hadn't been listening

"Sorry what were you saying"

"Oh um"

He looked upset that I hadn't been listening to him, I automatically felt bad

"just about going back to hogwarts for eighth year"

"Ahhh right, I'm excited to be honest it d going be weird though"

"Everyone going to want to take pictures and get autographs now , your even more of a celebrity then you already were"

He laughed and my god if him laughing wasn't then most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I had the sudden urge to kiss him. But he would never like me like that.

"Sorry did I embarrass you, your blushing an awful lot Harry"

"wHaT no no um no it's fine, your just really pretty when you laugh well you are all the time just you look even more perfect when you laugh"

SHIT did I seriously just say that out loud

He just looked at me and shuffled closer with a light blush on his cheeks. I decided to just go for it, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in and smashed are lips together.

At first he didn't kiss back which worried me but he slowly started too.I licked at his bottom lip asking for entrance which he expected by parting his lips. I explored his whole mouth with my tongue and he let out the most gorgeous moan ever and my lord I wanted to here that sound coming from his mouth for the rest of my life.

But of course this was to good to be true, he pushed me away grabbed his stuff and ran out the door.

I wanted to cry, he obviously got to caught up and doesn't actually like me. Fuck. That went well.

Things are actually happening now

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