Chapter 17.

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Draco's POV

I sat down at the Slytherin table and started to eat.
Shortly after Pansy came with Blaise, definitely just fucked.

I just smirked at them with a knowing look.

"Shut up, not like somethings not gone on with you have u seen your neck" Pansy shot back.

Shit forgot to cover the hickeys. Ahh well it wasn't like I didn't want people to know.

Pansy sat next to me and I whispered in her ear.

"Oh and them hickeys are from my boyfriend"

Pansy just screamed. Very loudly. Making everyone's head turn.


well of course that would happen what was I expecting. I just giggled and looked over at Harry who was blushed like mad while his friends all were cheering and cringey stuff like that.

I turned back around to look dead in the eyes with Theo.

Shit. He turned away quickly. I followed his gaze to wear it landed on Harry.

He literally looked like he wanted to kill him but I mean Harry felt the same probably even worst.

This is a really short chapter but I thought I give y'all something since I was gone for so long

I'm gonna start putting the date so y'all know when I last updated


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