Im Back :)

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So if you haven't already seen my comment :

A while ago now I deleted Wattpad because I got bored of it and stopped liking it

Although like 2 or 3 months ago I got it back but realised I couldn't remember my password so I decided to make a new account

I forgot about this story but recently remembered it and I put a comment to explain this

I do want to carry this story on and quite a lot of people were asking for an update

I realised I'd been getting my password right but being the dyslexic fuck I am I hadn't noticed my username had 2 E's

Anyway IM BACK
And will try and update as frequently as possible on this account
Since its quarantine I'll have a lot of time

I'm sorry I kept you all waiting for so long but I'm here to stay and I promise I'll finish this story

I will also be writing other stories on this account

Hope you enjoy the rest of the book once I update
I'm so sorry I was gone for so long

I'll try update today or tomorrow

Also if anyone knows a better person to play Draco because I don't like the current one (I removed all the pics)
Please let me know

Love to everyone who read or voted on this book
Aria xx

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