Chapter 13.

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A/n again not to smutty but smuttier then the last one

Harry's POV
We arrived at dinner and I sat down next to Ron and Ginny.

"Where have you been then, your 5 minutes late"

"Oh I just forgot to look at the time"

Ron looked at me suspiciously but then just shrugged and carried on eating. Ginny then leaned over to me

"So when are you telling everyone your Gay"

"Well Mione and Ron already know so maybe I'll tell everyone else in the Griffindor common room tonight. Since it's the first lessons this year maybe it'll be good to get of my chest at the start of this year."

"Yeah good idea. I'm sure everyone will be supportive although pretty sure everyone has an idea because come on the way you look at Draco is obvious you like him"

I just smirked at that and looked down at my plate.

*time skip to after dinner*

Everyone was in the Griffindor common room sat down chatting about how there lives had been since the war, and just their summers in general. I then decided it was time to tell everyone.

" Um everyone I'd just like to say something, I hope it doesn't change anything although I don't know why it would"

"Go on Harry spit it out" yelled Dean from the back corner of the room.

"Ok right, I'm gay"

"Well done Harry mate, your officially the last person to know- have you noticed the way you look at Malfoy" Seamus laughed

I just laughed and looked over at Ginny who had a look of 'I told you so' on her face.

After everyone gave me a slap on the back and congratulated me. Ron and I headed up to our dorm.

*time skip to the morning*

"Potions with the Slytherins first, are you joking me- what a way to start off eighth year."

As Ron was complaining I couldn't help but smile at the fact I was with Draco first period. Honestly I'd missed him even though I'd only saw him yesterday.

"Mate come on hurry up- were not being late on the first lesson "

"Yeah yeah coming"

Once we arrived slughorn started reading out everyone potions partner.

"Pansy Parkinson with Hermione Granger. Ron Weasly with Blaise Zabini and lastly..."

I knew that meant I was paired with Draco and I couldn't wipe the smile of my face. I looked over to him, only to catch him right in the eyes blushing like mad.

"Harry potter and Draco Malfoy"
We all drifted to our seats, me sat next to Draco, budging my chair right up until our thighs hit.

Slughorn began explaining what we were doing. I started to zone out not really caring about what he was saying until I felt a hand on my thigh I looked over to Draco who was pretending like nothing was happening.

His hand was creeping closer to my crotch until he reached my belt. He undid it and unzipped my trousers and put his hand into my pants. He then gripped my already half hard cock and gave it a squeeze. I couldn't help but moan out loud and drop my head to the desk biting my lip as hard as I could to stop myself from being to loud.
Just as that moment Neville decided to turn around
"You alright mate ,you look abit flustered"

"What yeah I'm fine". I sent Draco a quick death stare, but he just smirked.

Draco's hand then started to move up and down my shaft, and running his thumb over the tip smeering precum around. I actually couldn't take it any longer as he began going even faster and my cock had fully swelled. I put my hand up as Draco took his hand out off my pants.

"Yes Mr Potter"

My face was flushed "can I please go to the bathroom sir"

"Hurry up Potter"

I ran straight out the door making sure no one could see the obvious bulge in my pants and ran straight into the bathroom cubical.

I shoved my pants down and gripped my dick, pumping it as fast as I could.


oops didn't mean to say that. I carried on until I cummed all over my stomach. I pulled my pants back up and stalked back into the class with a still very flushed face.

"Who's the one getting affected now"

Draco sneered at me as I sat down.

"There's a difference with getting aroused while the guy you fancy hands down your pants and getting aroused because someone stood in between your legs"

Draco didn't know what to respond to that so he just looked away and got on with the potion.


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