Chapter 23.

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A/N please read just to clear stuff up

They weren't in love yet , they hadn't been together long enough for those feelings yet.
Also Draco is messing around with Theo because he does want to make Harry jealous but also because he wants to try get over him as he doesn't want to get "hurt" again.
Draco also doesn't realise what he did to Harry was wrong.
Hope that made sense

Draco POV

Pansy and I were walking to Potions as I was explaining how Harry has walked in.

"Is that a good thing though"

"I don't know what if it doesn't make him jealous and instead makes him hate me, he's right I am a slut" I whined

"I'm not gonna lie Dray, that was a dick move. I doubt he's gonna be chasing after you after that.
As much as I don't like him you need to think about what this is like on his side."

"How can you say that, this was your idea!"

"I never said to allow him to walk in on you fucking someone just to make him jealous"

I just stood there with my mouth open, as she walked away to stand with Blaise. I knew she was right and I was doing the complete wrong thing.
Maybe I should speak to him.

"Pansy I'm sorry your right but please help me fix this"

"I'm not mad but I think you should do this yourself. You got yourself in this mess, you try get out of it"

We walked in to the class I sat at the back next to Theo and Pansy with Blaise on the other side of Pansy.

"Theo, um I think, well I don't know if this is good idea right now, but I think we should, like, um , end whatever we have going on."

"WHAT! Why Dray, I thought it was going good, I really like you come on we can work through this!"

"There isn't anything to work through Theo. I need to work and fix some things. I'm sorry."

"We could pick up where we left off after you "fix things""

"Well hopefully I won't have any reason to do that." I said looking down

"Right ok then, bye I guess" he got up and went and say with some other Slytherins at the other side.
I shuffled my feet around still looking down while mumbling a quiet.

I turned around to face pansy who smirked and said "step one complete"

I just shyly smiled but I felt horrible all the guilt from everything that had happened was all nod coming into place.

How I made Harry feel like it was all his fault even though he had a complete reason to call me that. I was a shit Boyfriend.

But not only that I also strung Theo along pretending I like him when I was doing it for all the wrong reasons.

It was a big mess and I needed a way to fix it.

"Aw Dray are you ok"

"Yeah yeah fine, I need to go speak to Harry"


I nodded before walking to his desk.

I sat in the seat next to him as he was alone.
He looked up from his notepad and half smiled awkwardly and looked back down.
"Look Harry I'm sorry, I know that doesn't really help anything but please know i really am."


"Sorry you walked in on that yesterday I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's fine I don't care" he said looking up with no emotion what so ever.

"You don't care?"

"Nope" he said popping the 'p'. "Sorry I walked in on you and your... boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend, I was just messing around with him." Harry raised his eyebrows at me before I carried on. "I'm not anymore, I told him I don't want to anymore."

Harry gave me a light smile before I got up to walk away, until I felt a grip on my wrist.
"I'm sorry too Draco, I didn't mean what I said"

"It's no big deal, sorry I made it one" he nodded before I made my way back to my desk.

"What did he say?" Pansy asked curiously.

"He forgave me somewhat I think and apologised, not that he needed to but I think we're civil now."

I smiled to myself knowing I was getting somewhere closer to getting my baby back.

Draco has finally realised his mistakes
Will Harry forgive him and dare him again

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