Chapter 25.

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Harry POV

"I'm sure, i really want this."

"Ok baby wait there."

*   *   *

I came back into the room with lube and a pack of condoms placing them on the side table.

I smiled sweetly at him before coming on to the bed and kneeling in between Dracos legs gently pushing him back so he was lying down.

I attached our lips back together, licking over his bottom lip making him gasp, causing me to take the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues swept across each other briefly fighting for donminance myself winning obviously.
His hands went to my hair tugging on the untamed curls causing a low moan from me.

I grinded down onto him creating needed friction between us before flipping him over so he was on his stomach and hooking my arms under his hips to stick his arse in the air.

I ran my large hand over his bum slightly letting my fingertips brush under the material of his panties.

"mmm dray, you have an amazing arse." I moaned again and slapped hid left cheek lightly."Take this off for me darling" i said motioning to the shirt.

He took his tee off leaving him in just his panties but stayed on his front in the same position.

"I'm going to take these off now baby okay" He nodded his head yes, feeling my fingertips around the lace dragging the material down.

He moaned feeling the air hit his uncovered cock as it slapped against his stomach. I took hold of it in one have lightly squeezing it and rubbing a finger over the head smearing pre-cum.

I let go and brought my hands to his ass spreading his cheeks. Bringing my face down licking a stripe right along his hole dipping in slightly

He moaned loudly at the contact feeling my tongue going in and out of his hole, tensing around it.

I carried on fucking him with my tongue loving the sight of him writhing beneath me lost in moans and whines.

"Oh- Harry more-, please more" he struggled getting cut of by sudden moans.

I grabbed the lube from the side table lathering my fingers up. I slowly pushed one finger in, feeling him clench around it. I heard him gasp in pleasure so pushed in a tiny bit further.

"Harryyy! Come on moreee" Draco whined desperately.
I thrusters my finger into him adding another one just soon after. We were both moaning messes by that point.

I added a third finger scissoring them and pushing them deeper with every thrust.

"Oh har- there oh god there-do that again." I smirked knowing I found his prostate and carried on hitting the same spot , watching my small boy beneath me moan and squirm in pleasure.

I pulled my fingers out hearing Dray whine at the empty feeling.

"I want to see you, baby boy." I said as I turned him over so I could take in his beauty.

His hair was the definition of sex hair and strands were stuck to his forehead with sweat. His eyes were glazed over and his cheeks were flushed. His lips were plump and bruised and his neck was red and raw. But he look utterly breath taking.

"You look incredible, my beautiful baby boy" I pecked his lips and removed my boxers lubing up my hard cock.

I followed Draco eye sight seeing him eyeing up my cock, nervously.
"Don't worry baby ,you'll be just fine, tell me if you need to stop"

He nodded and I hooked his legs over my shoulders getting better access. I attached my lips to his trying to distract him from the pain.
I slowly inched the head in and Draco's  head fell to my shoulder and hands went to my back scratching it, hard.

"You okay." I asked stopping my movements.

"Yep just carry on please."

I inched even further so I was about half way before going back out to thrust  back in harder.

"Ohhh harder Harry harder"
And who was I to not accept.

I brought my hips up before slamming back into him going all the way back in. He let out a loud moan and dug his nails into my back.

"I want to try something" he whispered looking into my eyes, I pulled out and was turned onto my back and before I knew it Draco was sitting down on to my cock.

He began bouncing up and down going deeper and deeper until it his his prostate.

"Uhhhh Harry I'm going to-"

"I know baby me too, just hold on"

He let out one final loud moan and collapsed on to me releasing all over me and his stomach.

As I felt his hole clench around  was enough to bring me to my high, cumming inside him.

He pulled up off me and lay next to me pecking my lips.

"I liked that" he whispered

"mmmm me too baby"

"Let's stay here all day" I just laughed and brought him closer to me snuggling him under my chin.

"I think I'm falling in love with you Harry."

"I think I'm falling in love with you too Baby dray"

I felt him smile against my chest as I closed my eyes.

"Harry what are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be."

"I want to take things slow."

"Dray you can hardly say that when we just had sex, but ok"

He giggled looking at me through his eyelashes.

"Do you want to go on a date with me princess?."

"Of course I do, haz"

I kissed his forehead before we closed our eyes and fell asleep, classes completely leaving their heads.


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