Chapter 19.

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Harry POV

I arrived to potions a few minutes earlier so I could set up and get a heads start on the potion we were making. The one where I was working with Draco.

"Potter no need to set up, I changed your potions partners"

"What? No I'm fine with mine though"

Slughorn didn't say anything else as the rest of the class started coming into the classroom.
I spotted Ron and Hermione and went to stand with them although I couldn't see Draco anywhere.

"Has anyone seen Draco?" I whispered quietly

"No but Pansy's not here either"

I just leant in my desk and looked over by the door until..


What the fuck

He was dressed in tight black leather pants with a slightly cropped top and converse.

If that wasn't the hottest thing I've ever seen the I don't know what is.

A loud voice interrupted my thoughts as Slughorn started shouting out the new partners.
It got down to the last 4 names

Draco and

As much as I didn't want to be with Theo I would much rather that then Draco with him.
I crossed my fingers that I was put with Draco.

"Harry Potter with Seamus Finnigan..."

Shit shit shit

That meant Draco was working Theo. The Theo, you know the one who literally wants to fuck my boyfriend.

Seamus and I went behind the desk at the back left corner and went to set up for the potion.
Draco was on a desk at the other side of the class room so I could hardly even keep my eyes on them.

One we had finished the potion I sat down on the top of the desk to slightly watch Dray as he elegantly added the ingredients.

He bent down to pick up something that fell on the floor and I took my chances to look at that ass.

But I saw something else.
There was pink fabric coming from the top of his pants. Pink lace. Draco was wearing panties. Pink fucking lacy panties.

I felt my self start to swell but at this point I didn't even care because he was all mine and he was wearing fucking lacy panties.

But all good things come to an end because it seemed like I wasn't the only one that noticed.
Theo. Fucking Theodore Nott.

He went behind Draco and placed a hand on his hip right over the pink lace.
His other hand hooked around his waist and pulled him into his chest.
I clenched my fist knowing if I got involved I would just cause a scene.

But the thing that annoyed me the most was Draco. The fucking bitch didn't pull back, he pushed into him and closed his eyes. I knew they'd had a history and Theo had come between us before but does he actually realised the guy he wants to fuck has a boyfriend.

*after class*

I walked as fast as I could to try get to Draco from the back of the classroom,
pushing nearly everyone out the way.

"Harry you coming mate" Ron shouted after me.

"Yeah just have somethings to deal with first"

I caught up with Draco as he swung his arms round my neck and buried his head between my head and shoulder.

"Do you like my outfit - I wore it for you"

"What the fuck was that back there"

"What the fuck was what?" He asked with a confused look loosening his arms round me neck.

"You acting like a fucking slut who just lets any boy have their way with you"

"What the hell Harry! You actually just called me a slut. Wtf is wrong with you"

He roughly shoved my chest so I stumbled backwards.

"If that's how you think of me maybe you should break up with me"

"No baby, Dray that no-"

"Well that's what you said
In fact maybe I'll do it my fucking self, we're fucking done Harry. I'll just go be the slut I am and sleep around coz that's what I am isn't it"

He stormed off muttering "fucking dick"
under his breath as he left.
The second he left I broke down and ran to my dorm.

I just messed everything up over pure jealousy.

Fuck my life.

it took a bit of a turn :/
but I wanted to mix things up so that it didn't just turn out to be a cliché Drarry story

But I hoped you liked it
Love you all

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