Chapter 12.

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*A/N tinyest bit smutty but not too bad*

Harry POV

I grabbed Draco hand and pulled him to dorm. When we got there he sat down akwardly and just stared at me. Fuck he's cute.

"So why am I here again Potter"

"I think you know that Draco and its Harry not Potter"

I say stood in between his  legs, as I placed to fingers on his chin to force him to look up at me, he was blushing like crazy and trying to look away , I knew right then he felt the same.

"I can tell you feel the same way about by the way I'm affecting you"

"Your not affecting me Potter"

"Oh am I not"

I smirked pushing him on the bed and lying on top of him in between his legs. I kissed up his neck and grind down onto him until I got a moan out of him, then I calmly got up.


i heard him whisper. I turned around to face him and raised my eyebrow.

"Oh were you expecting something more princess"

"ermm nothing err no"

"But you did seem pretty affected by me AND you want more"

"No no I don't"

"And you're sure about that are you"

He just looked down and blushed. So he did.

I wanted him aswell but I also wanted him to admit it to me.

I checked the time to see when dinner was. 5 minutes. Right.

I grabbed Draco by the waist and attached our lips together. He was moaning as I pushed my tounge in and ran my hands down his sides.

His hands went to my belt. Undoing it and trying to yank them down. I pulled away and laughed.

"ooo aren't you horny, we have dinner in a few minutes, we'll save this for later"
He whined and put his hands back on my trousers attempting again.

"Baby I said later"

He blushed at the nickname but nodded.

"But I'm harddd"

I looked down and couldn't help but smirk at the very visible bulge on his crotch.

"Don't worry baby, I' have the same problem"

"Yeah but I was willing to do something about your problem but you stopped me"

I just laughed, we were already late we needed to go.

Draco went to the bathroom and came out quite soon afterword a scowl and pointing to his neck.

"Oops sorry"

"Harry this isn't funny- I have hickeys and a Boner"

At this I couldn't help but burst laughing. I got a big hoodie out of my wardrobe and threw it at him.

He put it on and WoAh he looked hot.

"Covers everything~ now can we please go, I'm hungry"


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