Chapter 22.

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Harry POV

After our kiss the game carried on even though I felt like the tension in the room was thicker.

Theo was death staring me to the point where I felt uncomfortable but I knew for certain the blind boy wasn't over me by that kiss. The way he dragged me in for more. The way he bit my lip and moaned. The way his arms wrapped around my neck and how he didn't pull away when I touched him.

I felt the Sparks and I knew he had too. I just needed to prove to him that I hadn't meant what I said and I still wanted him to be mine.

We currently still in the circle, and the game carried on, it was currently Theo's turn. But just as the bottle was about to be spun. Pansy said

"Right that's enough of that , we can carry on tommorrw if you all remember to be down here at the same time tomorrow"

There were mumbles of "okays" and other ways of agreement before every one went back to their common rooms or corner of the main one.

Hermione Ron and myself stayed on the sofa.

"That was intense" Ron mumbled cutting the tension

"Tell me about it , I don't even know what to do" I said putting me head in my hands.

"Well he definitely enjoyed that kiss, so if you want him back I'd say go and get him."

I figured Mione was right so I quickly said bye before leaving the room to find the certain blue eyed blond.

I came to the Slytherin common room still knowing the password from when Draco had told me.

As soon as I got in i rushed to his dorm knowing he be going to sleep so probably wouldn't have anyone in there.

But boy was I wrong.

Draco was on the bed in nothing but black panties getting his face eaten of bu fucking Theo.

He was moaning and grinning his hips up to Theo's.

I stood their in utter shock not knowing how to move. I try to stop my eyes from watering and let out a small cry.
Clearly not small enough though because both of there eyes immediately went to the door where I was stood utterly speechless.


Theo jumped off the bed and grabbed the door pushing me out and closing the door at the same time.

"Face it Potter, he's mine now"

"Not for long you arrogant fuck"

"I'm sorry whose the one whose about to fuck him? Oh yeah me. And whose the one who got dumped by him? Yeah that was you. Do me a favour and leave. Thanks."

Before I could even try to reply the door was slammed in my face.

*Gryffindor common room*

"Maybe you should try move on Harry, he'll want you back before you know it. Give him a taste of his own medicine"

I was sat in Hermione room trying not to cry over what I just saw but failing miserably.

"I guess so, I guess your right"

"Just ignore him, he just wants attention he's not over you , he's just stubborn and does want to give in even though he knows you want him and he wants you.

Well it wasn't a horrible idea if he did say so himself.



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