Chapter 18.

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Date posted: April 22 2020

(I noticed when I typed Draco in that when I type the letter D in I have Daddy come up as my first option, htf am I gonna explain that in some one sees fml )

Draco POV

"What lesson do we have first again" I asked pansy as we walked back from the main Hall.

"Oh I think we have Potions with Griffindores (A/N apparently I can't spell, how the fuck do u spell that)"

Fuck that means I'm with Potter. Which don't get me wrong is a good thing but now I actually have to try look good.

"Umm Pans"

"What the fuck do you want"

"Well we may have a lesson with my boyfriend now so you know I was just wonde-"

" -if I could help you get ready so he looks at you and wants to fuck you so hard into the mattress that you scream Daddy"

"What the fu-"

"Don't try lie that's exactly what you want"

"So are you gonna help or not-"

"Of course I will its about time u got laid"


"Are you coming or not you spoilt bitch"

*pansys room*

Since we are now all in eighth year we don't all have to wear are robes meaning I could have fun with this.

"Sooo I was thinking- and you might disagree but you're actually not allowed to because it will be fa-bu-lous"

"Spit it the fuck out Pansy"

"Well you're basically a gir-"

"I'm not a girl"

"Your as close to a girl as a boy can get"

"Oh fuck offff"

"Well anyway I was thinking you could wear these"

She held up a pair of bright pink lacy panties. I just looked at her in utter shock but at the same time the idea didn't seem that bad and the thought of it wasn't bad either.

"Come dray you'd look hot as fuckk"

"I look hot as fuck anyway"

She just death glared me while throwing them as well as some tight black leather pants and a white slightly cropped Oasis top.

"Ok ok fine I'll go change"

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea....

Hope you liked it

Also quick note
Obviously this is a bottom!Draco fic so please in the nicest way possible (since my king taught me to treat people with kindness)
stop commenting that you prefer top Draco.
If you prefer top Draco go read a top Draco fic you know what I mean

But love you all

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