Chapter 21.

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Harry POV

Draco had been avoiding me. So maybe I had didn't quite made the situation any better but he 100% made it all happen.

I was making my way to the main hall for breakfast when Pansy and Blaise came round the corner. Yeah probably the worst two people to come in contact with.

"Oi Potter"

"What the fuck do you want Zabini"

"Heard bout Theo yet" I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Heard he was having his way with your boy"

My head shot up and I was quick to jump to conclusions about what Blaise meant by that but I just settled for mumbling quietly
"He's not my boy"

"Ohhh yeah that's right, he broke up with your ass when you decided to call him a slut, you fucking prick" I lowered my head in shame, one way or another I had to find Draco to make sure he knew I hadn't meant it.

"Alright alright I know, and trust me I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Please make sure he knows that."

"Like hell are we going do anything to make him want to get back with you. Face it Potter he's moved on"
He took a swing at my face and his fist collided painfully into my right jaw.

"That's for hurting my best mate"

* * *


*one month later*

I was in the common room sat between pansy and Theo with Blaise across the room.

"I'm fucking bored" I whined while Theo's hand rubbed my thigh

"I got an idea, follow me boys" Pansy pointed her finger motioning for us to come with her.

We made it to the main eighth year common room where most people tend to hang out part from Slytherins who tend to stick to there own territory.

"GATHER ROUND EVERYONE WE'RE ALL PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE" Pansy yelled while standing on the table

Everyone stopped what they were doing to drag a beanbag around to make a large circle.

There were most 8th years there which is when I made direct eye contact with Potter.

Everyone was playing so it wasn't like we could dis-include him and his Gryffindor groupies.

Pansy picked up the wine bottle before placing it in the middle.
"Right I'll start" she spun the bottle till it stopped on....


She shuffled closer and connected there lips while jealous lovers (a/n if your a larrie who gets that reference I love you) glared.

After a few seconds they pulled away with flushed faces.

She leaned close to my ear and whispered "Shit Dray I have a big problem"

"How? your a girl"

"That's not what I meant and you know it you bitch"

I just giggled and focuses back on the game. Ron kissed Neville. Neville kissed Blaise. Luna kissed Cho. Seamus kissed Luna. Dean kissed Seamus.

Then I was my turn
Shit why was I so nervous?

I spun the bottle watching it go round until it landed. I heard Pansy gasp but brushed it off until I looked up and made eye contact with him.


I walked through the circle to get to him and knelt in front of him.

"Do I have to"

"It's the rules dray, course you do" pansy said

I sighed but looked into his eyes trying to ignore that I felt so attracted to him.

I pressed my lips to his mouth and felt sparks and soon as I did so. My lips were tingling and I couldn't help but go in for more, he ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I moaned in response. I let him take control of my mouth with his tongue, feeling him on my own.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my bum, giving it a squeeze. We moaned again but getting dragged out of the bliss by the clearing of someone's throat.

I pulled away keeping his lip tucked between my teeth. I slowly opened my eyes and stared in to his. Although this brought me back to reality as i jumped away from him and sat back down in my seat.

"Wtf was that Draco" Pansy muttered

"I don't even know, I just got caught up"

"Theo looks like he's gonna kill him" I glanced at Theo before laughing quietly.

Shit maybe getting over potter would be harder then I thought.



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A gain thank you all for 50k y'all are the best I swear


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