Chapter 24.

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Harry POV

Since we were now in 8th year, it meant we were able to leave school a lot more often and there weren't as many rules set in place.

Which is exactly why I was getting ready to go to the club with the whloe group meaning
I guess we would have brought the Slytherins but it was a little but awkward since me and Draco.
Although I was glad we had straightened things out.

It had been a lot less awkward and we had been talking more normal now.

Ron stuck his head round the door and asked "are you ready mate"

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I grabbed my jacket and phone and left the room to follow Ron.

*  *  *

We had been there for a couple of hours. I was sat at the bar whilst everyone else was on the dance floor drunk. I was slighting conversing with the barman but I was mainly alone.

That was until I felt arms wrap around my neck and warm breath ghost against my ear.
I whipped my head around

"Draco what the hell" he swung round and fell on my lap straddling my hips.

"Hiiiiyaaa babyy" he slurred

"Dray your drunk get off" trying to pull him off me. His lips went to my neck and I tried to stop my self moaning coz I couldn't take advantage of him in this state.

He lips went back to my ear and his whispered "I want you so bad Harry"

"Draco I can't your drunk, please get off, I'll take you back home" He completely ignored me and carried on whispering in my ear trying to make me give in.

"I want you so much, I want your cock inside me and I want to kiss your lips again Baby, please." He started girding his bum onto my now hard dick, as I tried not to make a sound.

"I can feel you Harry, I know you want this just as much as I do."

"Draco it wouldn't matter how much I wanted it, your drunk, and I'm not about to take advantage of that, for all I know you might not even mean this and I don't want you doing something you regret."

He sighed but listened and got up off my lap and tried to walk away but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Come on Dray, I'll take you home, I don't want you getting any worse." I dragged him to Ron and explained I was leaving.

*  *  *

I got out the taxi carrying Draco as he was falling asleep with his head fallen onto my shoulder.

I got to the Slytherin common room trying to be as quiet as I could knowing everyone would be asleep.

I went into Draco room, laying him down on his bed.

"I'm not getting you dressed Dray,
Try do that yourself."

He opened one eye and looked at me with a pleading look.

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