Chapter 26.

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Draco's POV

I was currently sat in charms class next to Pansy. She still basically hated Potters guts even though to her we were apparently civil. Although to me I knew we were more than just that.

However this was making it hard to break the news to her. If she still hated Potter how the fuck was I supposed to tell her I got drunk slept in his bed woke up fucked him and was now going on a date. I figured that was the best way of telling her knowing she wouldn't take it too seriously if I put it like that.

"Hi Pans."

"What's going on."

I nervously looked down rubbing my sweaty palms together.
"What do you mean?"

"We've sat together for the past half an hour as well as sitting together last lesson, and you say hi pans, you obviously need to tell me something."

"Ok Yeah but don't freak out or get mad when I do."she nodded at me signalling for me to go on." Well you know we went to that club last night, I might have go drunk and went back with po-"


"Pansy shhhhhh" as people turned around to look at us. "That's not what happened. I slept in his bed and we fucked in the morning oBvIoUsLy."

"oh my god Draco, I honestly can't with you, your an absolute fucking idiot."

"Oh and we're going on a date." I pointed out

"So your suddenly back to being all lovey dovey after loosing your v-card to him."

"Shhhh Pansy don't say that out loud"

"Why it's not even a big deal, your not a virgin anymore so there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"But I don't want Harry to kn-"

"He thinks you've done it before doesn't he." I nodded before putting my head on the desk."Draco your an idiot. Why did you not tell him, what if he finds out and you get into another argument about this."

"But what if he refused me because of it. I told him I'd done stuff with guys before and he thinks I fucked Theo, I could tell him that wasn't true, I would have lied to him"

"You really didn't tell him because you didn't want him to refuse you, geez Dray your a bit desperate." She got up ready to pack her stuff away.

"I'm not I was just scared
And I also didn't want him to think I was lame." I started to feel bad, I realised I wouldn't want to take someone virginity if they we weren't together or if we'd just come back from a club.

"Whatever Dray, your life not mine but don't be surprised when you get into a fight once he finds out.

I knew I had to tell him if I wanted us to work out, there couldn't be lies in this relationship it had to be open.

"Ok I'll tell him."

*Harrys dorm room*

I knocked on Harry's dorm room to tell him. At the time I didn't think it would be a big deal but at the end of the day you don't know how the other person might feel about that.

"Come innnnn"

"Oh sorry, oops"


My heart tingled at the pet name and I went to sit on his lap where he was signalling.

"Hi, I um- just wanted to speak to you about something."

"Ok baby go ahead, you sound nervous,calm down you'll be fine"

"Promise not to get mad" I said sticking my pinky finger out.

"I can't promise something if I don't know what you're going to say."

"Harry! Promise" he sighed but took my pinky in his

"I promise"

"Ok so you know this morning we- you know- you get what I'm saying." He laughed but nodded in agreement. I buried my face into his neck and kissed it lightly. "You may have took my virginity." I whispered

"What Dray I can't hear you." I grabbed his cheeks and pecked his lips before repeating

"You took my virginity Harry, that was my first time"

"What?! What about Theo, I thought- I literally walked in on you."

"Yeah we didn't do more than make out , I stopped as soon as you came in, I wasn't really thinking, you kind of brought me back to reality."

"I don't really know what to say."

"You're not mad?"

"Course I'm not mad, I'm glad I was your first and I'm fucking astatic you didn't get fucked by that dick."

"Nope only your dick"

I pulled him back to a kiss and let us make out for a bit, feeling myself start to get hard.

"Up for a round two" I pleaded

"Maybe later after our date, now go get ready." He said as he pushed me of him lightly, I stood up off his lap and walked towards the door.

He smacked my bum lightly and I smirked but continued back out to get ready for our first real date.


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days I was reading a Larry book and literally couldn't stop
Shitty excuse but whatever

Hope you liked


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