5.Forth meets Beam?

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Beam's POV

When everyone left the class I placed that lunch box on my desk after school ended and went outside with a wide smile on my face. I can't remember when was the last time when I smiled like this.

I could have waited and watch for that person to come and pick up the box but I didn't do it. Why I didn't do it? Just because I don't want to know about that person unless he/she is ready to reveal her/him in front of me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that I was inside basketball court, as soon as I realise that I was going on wrong direction I turn around and starts walking out of that place. While walking outside I was thinking about Forth, this is the place where I saw him the first time and fell for him. 

"Where you think you are going four eyes?"

Oh crap, not those guys again.

"I..I lost my way, I need to go home now, if you excuse me please." I said pushing the sideways slowly.

But instead of letting me go he grab my wrist and hold it tightly. I look around and observe that I was surrounded by four of them. I can see devil inside their eyes, I know they were up to something and they sure are going to harm me in one way or another. Wayo's class was on field trip, so there is no way Wayo could come here and Kit didn't come to school today. Phana must also have left the school already.

"Where is your knight in shining armor four eyes, is he not gonna come and save you today? I still remember that punch that he gave me that day."

I could't say or do anything I was froze on the spot. I was too weak against these four bulky bullies. Next thing I remember is that they drag me inside locker room of the and lock it.


"Wha..what are you guys doing??" I said getting a bit scared. "Teaching you a lesson,  because of you we have become laughing stock in school. Somebody took the video of getting us hit and viral it. Now people are laughing at us for behaving like pussies." said one guy pinning me on locker.

"Pl..please..leave me..I..I'll ask  dean to take some action on this..just let me go please." I beg them.

They didn't listen to me, one of the boy goes behind me and held my body tightly where as other one started removing clothes from my body and third guy was recording the whole thing.

Oh no, not again....please God help me.

Within a minute I was totally naked, the guy who removed my clothes lick his lip and started touching my body."I must admit despite of your ugly looks you have very beautiful body, I can't wait to taste it." he said and stared licking my neck.

I was getting the urge to puke as soon as his lips touched my body. 

I was trying to free myself from their grip but it was of no use, they were much more stronger than me. I can feel something poking me from behind, it was other guy dick who was holding me.

"No please...don't this to me..leave me...please." I was crying and screaming.

"Not until we taste you nerd." They started laughing and touching me everywhere.

I was shaking miserably, suddenly I feel my hole getting opened by one of them and dick getting inserted. After that everything become black.

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