15.First date and Beam's mom

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Forth's POV

"BEAM NO!!!!"

I ran towards Beam as fast as I can before he might jump into the fire.

"BEAM STOP." I grab him by his waist tightly and start pulling him away from fire.

"MOM...MOM...PLEASE...DON'T LEAVE ME...MOM!!!!!!!" Beam was crying,shouting for his mother and extending his hands towards fire while I was pulling him as far as away from it.

He has witnessed his mother burning her alive

Wayo's words came into my mind. So he was trying to save his mother!!!

"Forth...Forth..Mom...save her please..she will leave me...please Forth." We were far away from fire now but we can still it's flames from here too. We were sitting on ground with Beam on my lap and Beam was crying and pleading me to save his mother.

I breaks my heart to him like this.

"Shhh..baby...it's okay. Your mom is at some place nice, she is not inside that fire, calm down." I started stroking his hair and rocking him back and forth.

"Mom...please...don't..." he was sobbing hard.

I pull out my phone from pocket and called Phana,"Hello, I am going to send you a location come here as quickly as you can. Grab a cab because I need you to drive my bike back in home."

"What happened Forth?"

"Will tell you later, come fast, it's related to Beam."

"Okay be right there." and he cut the call. I send him the location.

I know everyone cares so much about Beam that they will drop everything just to be there for him.

"Hello Wayo, wherever you are please come to my home , it's Beam." 

"What happened phi, is he okay?"

"Will tell you later, please come soon and please inform Kit too, I don't have his number."

"Okay P'Forth, will be there." I can hear his mother shouting at him at back cursing Beam, something like that.

After calling both of them I look at Beam, he was still sobbing. I keep whispering kind words to him and stroking his hair, he was much calmer now.

After fifteen mins Phana arrived with worried expression, Beam was asleep by that time but tears were still flowing from his eyes.

"What happened here, why there are so many fire brigade here?" he said.

"Will tell you later but first here, these are my keys, bring my bike to my place. I will hail a cab." I gave Phana the keys, he stop one cab for us. I pick Beam up slowly, hop inside cab with Beam in my arms.

"Everything will be fine." said the cab driver after we were almost half way towards home.


"He will be fine, no need to cry son. I can see the love and care for him in your eyes and trust me "Love has the power to heal deepest and biggest wounds, just give it sometime." He said looking at rear view mirror.

"Ye..yeah..thanks." I said trying to smile.

I didn't realise that I was crying too and yeah, he is right, I will heal Beam with my love and care as soon as I can. I want him to be happy.


"That's weird." Wayo said after hearing about the incident.

Beam was sleeping soundly by now in room. Wayo, Phana, Kit and I was sitting in the same room and was discussing about what happened.

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