13.Naughty Beam

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Little bit short chapter. <3

And a very very Happy Birthday to @pradi786. May you have great year ahead with full of love and success. And I hope you will get someone with mixture of ForthBeam in him. (^__*) 

Beam's POV

"Holy mother....how can Kit do this to me!!!?"

"What happen phi?"

"Look for yourself." I said pointing towards Kit.

"OH MY GOD!!! How can P'Kit do this to us??" 

"I know right!!!"

"What happen, why are you guys hiding here? And what did Kit do?" Said Forth coming from backdoor and into room.

"Just look at yourself." I said to him.

He took a peek where Kit and P'Ming were sitting,"He is eating chocolate, so what?" he said with his eyebrow raised.

"He is freaking eating KitKat!!!!!!!" me and Wayo said at same time.


"He hate that chocolate, he hate it because kids used to bully him by calling him KitKat instead of Kit and he is freaking eating it. I have tried many times to make him eat that chocolate but he has always refused it." I said with my eyes wide open.

"Okay? Isn't it good that he is finally eating it? Why are you both freaking out for this?" 

"P'Forth, that chocolate is given to P'Kit by P'Ming." Wayo said with poker face.

"So, what if it was......oooohhhh...okay. So you are saying Kit likes my brother or something?"

"I am not sure Forth, we have to find that out by our self. "

"Okay. By the way when did you come here? I didn't even see you in school today and why P'Ming is here?" I said to Wayo.

"Well my evil mom made me come here so that she can torture P'Beam a bit more. But luckily P'Ming arrived here on time just when she was about to hurt P'Beam. And he has to collect some papers that's why he is here." Wayo explain it to him.

Forth was in rage as soon as he heard this,"She dare to come here and try to hurt Beam!!! I cannot let this get pass just like that,I am gonna make her regret coming here."

"Calm down Forth, she won't be doing anything like this again, it's my promise." Wayo said assuring him.

"What you wanted to talk about Forth?"

"Oh yeah, about that I need you to solve these questions, it was given to me by Tani mam today and she need them tomorrow, if possible."

"Okay?? Sure."

Forth's POV

After school ended I went to see Tani mam.

"Good afternoon mam, you wanted to see me?" I said knocking on her office door.

"Oh yeah Forth, please come in and have a seat." She said while looking up from some file and pushing her glasses with tip of her finger a bit.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about mam?"

"You know Beam, well, he usually comes at 4th or 5th place in school every year, whereas you always top."

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