19.Pulling apart

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{A/n: I got many hate and love comments for my last chapter. So for those who hated the last chapter, I will recommend them not to read this one.}

P.S: I never said that this story will have a happy ending. 

Forgive my grammar mistakes


Phana's POV

I can't believe that Forth denied in front of everyone that he is in relationship with Beam. How can he do that to him after knowing what that poor kid has been through?

I was so angry at Forth that I might end up beating him to death.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I blasted his room door open after entering Forth's house.

"Tsk!! not you too. Please Phana, I am already disturbed don't make it worse."

I went near him and grab him by collar.

"Don't you dare to act sad or disturbed Forth, just answer my question, why...why did you do it?" I said staring deep into his eyes with anger.

"It's none of your business." he released him from my grip.

"It's none of my business you say? Wayo was crying buckets because of what you did to Beam and you are saying it is none of my fucking business!!!?" 

He didn't respond me this time which only make my blood boil in anger more.

"The fuck is your problem Forth? Just tell me why did you do it?? Tell me!!!" I push him hard making him fall on floor.

He got up, push me back and shouted,"I don't want to humiliate myself by telling everyone that I am gay and in relation with a boy!!!"

Woah...what the actual fuck.

"Are...are you kidding me?? You did that because what others might say or think? Seriously? So you are saying that other people's opinion is more important to you than Beam's happiness???"

Again he went silent.

"Pussy." I mutter with anger.

"What did you say?" 

"I said that you are pussy, freaking coward, asshole and son of a bitch!!" I spat in anger.

"Owh really? If you are so brave and all, then why don't you declare your relationship and your sexuality in front of whole school? Can you do that, huh!!?"

I glare him at anger, shove him back again and left his room. He was saying something but I refuse to listen to it.


It was lunch time, I was sitting with Wayo in cafeteria, if Forth thinks that I won't be able to come out in front of everyone then he so wrong. I don't give a shit what anyone says or think about me, all that matters to me is my Wayo's happiness.

Just like Forth I stood up on table,"EXCUSE ME EVERYONE, I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!"

Everyone's attention was on me now. I look at Wayo and he had this confused look on his face, I didn't tell him that I was going to come out today and I knew he won't have any problem with it, because he was proud being gay and was not scared to tell anyone , just like me.


I can hear murmurs among students and some people starts giving me weird look, but I don't give a shit.

"YES I AM GAY. IF ANYONE HAVE PROBLEM WITH IT THEN IT'S YOUR PROBLEM FOR BEING SO CLOSED MINDED, NOT MINE. SO DEAL WITH IT." I went down, grab Wayo nape and kissed him hard in front of everyone.

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