Pale Amber Rose (1)

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Ladies and gentlemen my first and probably last...Medieval Zelink story! (May be my last Zelink story too who knows...)

The outline took way too long to figure and I'm sorry about that. It was in FEBRUARY when I announced I would writing this.

...sorry about that heheh... but it's here now! And I will strive to completely complete it before I leave on my mission! (Less than three months now) If I don't, then I'll get someone else to finish it for me! (Maybe idk...)

I'm not going to say anything about an update schedule because I can't promise anything. Summer is busy sometimes.

Enough yapping from me. If you've read my other books then you must know that I enjoy votes, comments, concerns, critiques, corny jokes, comedic observations, complaints and colloquialisms :)

I don't own the rights to the Legend of Zelda. Those rights belong to Nintendo. The rights of the plot go to me. Please don't post my work anywhere else.

Holy cow I make these author's notes wayyyy too long. Lo siento. The word count for this chapter is 1619 words without the author's note.

Please enjoy!


<Feels like I'm standing in a timeless dream
Of light mists of pale amber rose>

Place amber rose. That is how Link would have described it. The sunset of that final day. The sunset of the last day he saw her. It was a dream wasn't it? She didn't exist...did she? He could hardly remember anymore.

Those days had turned so quickly on him. Did he prefer this life, or the one he had before?

Was he ready? Was he ready to head back into the past? If he looked at her again, would he recognize her? Link was scared to ask himself the question.

Could anyone, truly feel happiness, if they had been where I have been?

Sir Link Forrester was a Hylian knight. He had blonde hair and great blue eyes. For ten years he had trained with other knights. Somehow, even with his young age, his skill surpassed most of his older peers. That was probably due to the determination he held in his gut. Did anyone else really have a reason to fight?

Link lived in the knights' barracks. Over that last couple years he had made three friends: Will, Joseph, and Jacob. Link had spent the most time with Jacob, who had taken it upon himself to train Link as best he could outside of regular calvary training.

There were twelve calvaries of knights in front of Hyrule's castle. Each calvary was lead by a captain and his Lieutenant. Link had recently moved calvaries, from Captain Rolandus to Captain Odger.

Link was on his way to meet Will and Joseph when Jacob started riding his horse beside him. Jacob had messy blonde hair often went without a cut. He was more stature than Link. After all he was a good couple years older.

"Link my good friend! Need a ride somewhere?"

Link smirked up at his friend. "If you really expect me to ride behind you like a lady, you're mistaken."

Jacob laughed. "A good joke you've got there Link. Where are you headed?"

"I'm simply meeting with Will and Joseph. Care to join me?"

I Love You, Always Forever; A Medieval Zelink Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now