Aryll (16)

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Hi fellow shippers!

This chapter has 1729 words excluding the author's note.

Please enjoy!


Riding in a carriage was an exciting experience for Zelda. Here she was, doing something she never thought she would do, that is, leaving her home kingdom. It was understood that if Zelda were to marry, she would stay in Hyrule since she was her father's only heir. And so, she had never planned to leave Hyrule because all the suitors were coming to her. Now however, she had taken drastic command of Alart and three knights to go searching for Link and her cousin Cobalt to help.

What if they didn't need her help? That was a possibility. They had gone suddenly, alone, and early in the morning, so they probably didn't want any help. But here she was, anyway, making a hasty and rash decision.

Although the experience was exciting, it wasn't very comfortable. Prince Alart had sat next to her on her bench, while the three knights had taken the bench across from them. The carriage was his fastest, but it wasn't very spacious. Along the way, the three knights had shared their fondest memories of training with Link. In fact, they had spent so much time with him since he had joined the knight's rank, they had practically raised him.

Jacob talked through the conversation he had had with Link that morning. Link had grown up in an abusive household and was searching for his brother and sister to make sure they were safe. His tragic story made Zelda's heart ache with sorrow. She felt as though she understood Link a little better now, he had reason to keep his personal life hidden. Either he was embarrassed, or it hurt him to talk about it. She hoped she would get a chance to help him ease his pain.

"And so we dueled," Jacob said with a small chuckle. "As you can see—" he gestured to his thigh which was wrapped in a bandage, "he wounded me just enough to make me collapse. And there he left, saluting me and riding away to the gate."

"I never knew," Joseph said quietly, his eyes pointed at the carriage floor. "What hurt he must have. What kind of father does that to his children?"

Zelda shook her head in grief, "we may never know. The best we can offer him is to help him find his siblings. I pray they are alright."

"I have an idea to find Link and Cobalt," Alart said suddenly. It was the first time he had spoken on the trip. "Once we get to Termina, I suggest that Zelda stay with you three." He gestured to the knights across from him. "Termina is unfortunately not the safest kingdom as of late, there are many thieves and bandits. You will be safe if you stay together."

Zelda nodded eagerly, glad that Alart had been the one to make the suggestion. She would have been uncomfortable if she and Alart had been paired off alone anyway. "It is agreeable," she concurred. "And where do you suggest that we search?"

"The marketplace," Alart replied. "If Link has a sister in Termina, she would have to visit the marketplace often, and someone would surely recognize her."

"A good start," Joseph agreed. "Where will you search, prince Alart?"

"I might as well start on the opposite side of the town," he proposed. "I shall search near the castle entrances. If that fails, I will seek the royal family, as I am the prince. If Sir Link's searches have been in vain, he may have inquired inside the castle."

Sounds reasonable enough, Zelda decided. "We shall begin our search immediately upon arriving."

The knights nodded their heads in agreement, and no one responded. Zelda turned her head to look out the carriage window at the passing plains. Everything would work out, she was sure.

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