The Suitors (2)

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Hi peeps! It's West!

Not much to say before this chapter besides thank you for reading!

As you also know, I enjoy votes, comments, concerns, critiques, corny jokes, comedic observations, complaints and colloquialisms heheh.

Also, has anyone else been playing Fire Emblem: Three Houses????? Holy cow it is AMAZING! I love Fire Emblem so much. I've only played a couple from the GBA, and now Three houses. Absolutely loved the strategy part of the games. And the story! The story is soooooo great so far. You should all try playing it!

Alright enough of that. I don't own the rights to The Legend of Zelda characters. I do own the rights to the plot. The word count for this chapter excluding author's notes is 2209 words.

Please enjoy!


Birds were chirping beautifully outside the bedroom window. Do birds think about how their chirps are heard by so many people? Do they know that their creations are truly beautiful?

Zelda woke up stretching on her large bed. The bed was a little too large for her taste in fact. She would prefer to have a smaller one, but her father was too busy to order a bed replacement.

There was just too much empty space. It made her feel a little lonely.

Zelda peeked through squinted eyes. Her ladies-in-waiting were not here yet. Thank goodness.

Zelda turned over again on her sheets with no guilt at all.

Being a princess was such hard work.

Of course...for her it was.

Entertaining the suitors. What a lovely job.

Day after day she had to pretend to get along with the suitor her father picked for her to see. Zelda didn't find it enjoyable at all.

There was a small knock on the door and her lady-in-waiting Malon came in.

"Sleeping in again I see," Malon said. Zelda could hear an obvious sounding disappointment in her voice. Zelda pretended to be asleep, and Malon tapped Zelda's feet until she opened her eyes.

"I stayed up late last night," Zelda said rolling the other way, away from Malon.

"I thought you went to bed at the proper hour?"

Zelda smirked into her pillow. "I snuck out of my room last night." Indeed, Zelda had snuck out to the castle garden. It was by far her favorite place in the castle.

"Princess!" Malon gasped as she walked to the other side of the bed. "You know that's not how a princess acts! What if something happened to you?"

Zelda sighed and rolled to the other side of the bed. I always regret it when I tell Malon where I've been.

"Would you please cooperate?" Malon asked. She hustled to the other side of the bed once more. "We must get you ready for the day."

Saria, Zelda's other lady-in-waiting, walked into Zelda's room with a brush. She saw Zelda in bed and gestured annoyedly at Zelda. "Why is she still under her covers?"

"She won't cooperate," Malon said rolling her eyes. "Honestly Zelda, it seems we're taking more care of you than your own father."

"And you've done a fine job," Zelda said as she finally sat up in her bed and stretched.

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