Epilogue (20)

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The video above is the song that I named this book after, a song called, I love you, always forever. You may have noticed I placed some of the lyrics throughout the story. You could say that the song sort of acted as the theme for the book. So, if you'd like to listen to it, there it is!

I'll have a longer author's note at the end, but this is the final chapter!

This chapter has 400 words excluding the author's note.

Please enjoy!


~Five years later~

Being a king was such hard work.

Of course, for him it was.

In reality, the first few years of Link's reign as king had gone by fairly smoothly, probably because Zelda was the one taking charge of all the decisions and work. Link hadn't known the first thing about politics, navigating the royal family, or any of his other responsibilities. Zelda being the patient and loving wife that she was did her best to teach him the ins, and outs of how to run Hyrule.

He enjoyed it, he never thought he would have, but he did. He eventually learned to enjoy the parties, although he and Zelda tended to sneak out to the palace gardens as often as they could. He still hadn't gotten the hand of the political games that members of the royal family often played, but he didn't let it bother him.

He and Zelda had gotten married four months after her coronation, and now had a daughter. She sported Zelda's bright blonde hair and Link's piercing blue eyes. They had named her Alyssa, after the pretty flowers that grew in Hyrule.

Cobalt had put the Termanian royal family back together, and proudly boasted of this accomplishment whenever he found an opportunity. He also had decided to settle down and ask for Malon's hand in marriage, who had gratefully accepted.

Saria, on the other hand, ended up meeting Joseph, Link's friend, and the two were wed shortly after. Will found a lovely woman to marry while at a party.

Link's sister Aryll had been invited to live within the castle when Link and Zelda had been married. She became well acquainted with Link's other friend, Jacob and with Link's approval, the two were wed. Jacob had become the new captain of the guard and was fulfilling his position admirably.

Dack, now twenty years of age, joined a knight's calvary. He soon was raised to lieutenant, and then captain. He served happily in the position, committing to becoming the best swordsman that Hyrule had ever seen.

And so were the lives of Link's closest friends and family. Although the rest of their lives were occasionally filled with difficulty and disappointment, they were always forever joyful that a princess had decided to marry a knight.

Say you'll love me forever

Never stop, never whatever

Near and far and always and everywhere and everything.

Hey again guys, thank you so much for reading. Unfortunately this is probably my last work on Wattpad (though I may post very occasional updates in my one-shot collection).

As I mentioned before, I've just finished an outline for a book I hope to publish one day, since it's been a long time goal of mine. I'll let you all know when I've achieved that goal! If any of you like to read sci-fi, send me a pm and I'll send you some chapters once they're written.

I've also started writing music, so that's been fun:) I encourage you all to take up any hobbies you've wanted to learn, there's no better time than now!

But thank you so much for reading. I'm so grateful for everyone who reads my work, and I'm so happy we can all enjoy the beautiful creation of the Legend of Zelda in this community.

On that note, if you'd like to read more Zelink material, my sister is writing her own Zelink book and is planning on publishing it soon. Her profile is organicorganism, go give her a follow! She's an incredible writer.

Keep reading on my fellow shippers, enjoy life! Do what makes you happy! Follow your dreams and your heart!

Until next time!


I Love You, Always Forever; A Medieval Zelink Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now