A Friend No More (15)

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Hi, hello!

So, I realized that I was approaching a whole year without posting another chapter of this story. It's been on my mind, but I needed to take some time away from it. In that time I finished an outline for a book I hope to physically publish in the future, so it was time well spent.

January 1st would have been a year without an update, so here is a late Christmas present. I've written and published the final 6 chapters of this story! It's done, it's finished! I wonder if you'll be able to see a difference between my writing from now compared to a year ago.

I'll write some other author's notes throughout, but if you're reading this, thank you. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for sticking with me, and I apologize for the delay. I hope you enjoy!

This chapter has 1719 words excluding the author's note.

Please enjoy!


The next morning, Link woke early, before dawn. He had to pack his things. He had to get his horse ready so he could travel east with Cobalt. But he felt a pressing weight upon him.

I wasn't able to tell her...

He didn't know what he would find in Termina. Hopefully his brother and sister, but what if it was a dead end? He was now committed to finding them now, he would follow any breadcrumbs he could find of his broken family until they were safe.

He had hesitated, the night before, when he had looked at Zelda for perhaps the last time. He hadn't told her that he was leaving. Today, perhaps, she would realize that he had left, abandoning his duty to the throne and to her. What would she think of him then? Perhaps it didn't matter.

However, in spite of himself, he found that he did care. He did care what she thought of him, and he wondered if the day previous had been as enjoyable for her as it had been for him. He knew that forbidden feelings were creeping out, and also that he didn't want to stomp them out.

Why now? Link wondered, praying silently to Hylia. Why do I feel this now? Right when I need to leave, why is this the time when I discover I can love someone?

He had never felt anything like this before, the feelings were new, unknown, and frightening. They could move him to take unreasonable actions, starting with a procrastination of his quest.

He laughed softly as he shook his head. There was no point in asking Hylia, he knew the answer. There was no answer because it wasn't meant to be. Hundreds of people were probably in love with Princess Zelda, it didn't mean that any one of them had a chance. Much less an unranked knight with peasant blood.

Alright, time to leave. The realization settled on top of him, pinching his heart. He was leaving her, and even if he saw her again, she probably would never forgive him. He was going to abandon his post as a royal guard. He was going to save his siblings.

Link grabbed his few belongings and took them outside. He found his horse tied up where he had left it the night before and fastened his saddlebags to it. He packed up his meager items in the bags, tied them up, and walked Epona out of the stable.

He had probably fifteen minutes before dawn, when he had promised to meet Cobalt, he kept her a slow trot. Link's thoughts turned to his friends, Will, Joseph and Jacob. He regretted not telling them of his plans to follow his father's trail to find his siblings, they may have been sympathetic and offered to help him.

He heard a stern voice behind him, "Link."

Link sighed and glanced behind him. Jacob, the Lieutenant, was also on his horse. Link hadn't bothered to check if anyone had been following him, who else would be awake at this ungodly hour?

I Love You, Always Forever; A Medieval Zelink Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now