Jacob's Invitation (3)

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Hello peeps! I'm back!

I am so sorry for being so behind on this story. I thought I could finish it in the three months I started it before my mission but I was wrong.......anyways I hope you'll enjoy a new chapter. Btw this story will be 20 chapters.

To be honest when I came back from being a focused missionary, I totally forgot what my plans were for this story. So I read through my outline again and I SURPRISED MYSELF WITH SOME TWISTS AND TURNS SO GET READY. It's kind of funny how that happens when you're away from technology for so long.

Anyways. I don't own the rights to The Legend of Zelda. I do own the rights of the plot though, so please don't post my work anywhere else. Thank you so much for the support guys.

And please since I'm super rusty, I would appreciate any kind of feedback anyone wants to give. I would love to hear it in the comments or PM's!

Anyways the word count for this chapter is 1344 words without authors notes.

Love you guys. Thank you!

Please enjoy!


It was evening training. Link and his batallón was practicing shooting their bows and arrows. Link shot an arrow with perfect form. The arrow struck right in the yellow bullseye.

Joseph gawked at the target. "How am I still amazed by your perfection?" He asked Link.

Link shrugged. "It's actually not perfect. It's nearly an inch from the actual dead center."

"How can you even tell?"

Link sighed. "I've shot at targets so many times, so I can tell where it's going to hit the small moment before I release the string. Sometimes I'm lucky and I hit the dead center."

"I can't believe you call it luck," Joseph said as he pulled back his own string. "I would call it skill if I were you."

You don't understand, Link thought as he shook his head. Joseph released the arrow and it hit on the inside red.

"You're getting closer!" Link grinned, "That was by far you best shot."

The servant behind the target ran around and quickly grabbed the arrows off the target before hiding behind it again.

"Perhaps it was just luck," Joseph grinned modestly.

Link grinned back. "Perhaps."

Captain Odger called Link's name just as he had the day before.

"What fantastic talent you have Sir Link!" Odger praised. "Would you mind if I gave you a little more of a challenge?"

Link shuffled his feet shyly. "I suppose sir." There was no reason for him to decline. (Though he did want to)

Captain Odger rode around to the other side of the targets. "With every shot, take a step back. Let's see if you can make it to the barracks' door."

Link glanced behind him and smirked. The barracks building was a decent distance from him, but he wouldn't have a problem once he was there.

Link quickly pulled arrows from his quiver and shot them one by one. He was so confident in his abilities that he would step back and shoot again before the arrow before it had hit the center yellow.

I Love You, Always Forever; A Medieval Zelink Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now