Curiosity (6)

844 19 43

Hey peeps! I'm still not in California!

I'll be heading there on Thursday, so I figured I would write another chapter because gosh, the ending of this book is just soooo gooood.

I don't own the rights to the Legend of Zelda. Those rights belong to Nintendo. I, however, own the rights to the PLOT. So please don't post my work anywhere else.

The word count is 2237 words.

Please enjoy!


Link stood near the entrance to the Barack's, leaning on the doorway. He was patiently waiting for Captain Odger to come organize them for morning training. Though it wasn't very likely, the captain of the Guard could have already set up his meeting with the retired guard. If he had, Captain Odger would be informing him this morning.

I'm actually going to talk to one of the guards. Link thought. I'm actually going to find out what happened. Well...if he is still informed on the subject...I soon can we meet?

In the distance Link could see his captain riding his horse along with his lieutenant in the old dirt road that led from the barracks to the castle. Link stood up straighter has he came closer.

"Very well my good men!" Captain Odger's voice thundered out unafraid, "we begin our morning training! Mount your horses! We will be practicing our horseback riding skills today!"

Link's battalion went scrambling for their horses and Link quickly approached Captain Odger.

"Good morning sir Link!" His captain greeted with a hearty grin, "What can I do for you?"

"Have you received any sort of word from Captain Audric?" Link asked as casual as he could.

The captain looked at him strangely. "Indeed I haven't. Are you expecting something from him?"

"It's not urgent," Link said waving his hand in apology. "He's doing me a favor."

Captain Odger eyed Link a little suspiciously. "Very well then. I'll inform you when I receive word. Now off to get your steed."

"Of course Captain." Link saluted, then turned the other way to go find his horse, dreadfully embarrassed. He was being impatient and it may cost him. If he had waited this long, he could surely wait a couple more days.

Of course. It hasn't even been an entire day since I talked with him. It's probably going to take a while before I can meet the guard.

Link joined up with Joseph to line up in front of their battalion leaders. Suddenly he spotted a handsome prince with dark hair approach his captain on horseback.

Link grabbed the hilt of his sword, I nearly forgot. I promised Prince Loticus to a duel for this morning.

Captain Odger smiled at Prince Loticus and then turned to face his men. "Everyone stay on your horses and form a circle around the Prince. Link, he tells me that he challenged you to a duel and you accepted."

"Yes Sir," Link said as he slid off his horse, still gripping his sword.

"Very well, you may join Prince Loticus in the center and we will all observe. Get to it!"

The rest of Link's battalion formed a large circle around Prince Loticus and Link. Loticus had gotten off his horse and taken out his sword.

"I'm glad you didn't forget Link," Cobalt said with a smile.

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