The Tease (19)

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This chapter has 1169 words excluding the author's note.

Please enjoy!


Once Link was well enough to travel, the seven of them crammed themselves into Alart's carriage and headed west towards Hyrule. Cobalt stayed in Termina, and promised he would soon return to Hyrule once proper authority was restored to Termina's royal family.

Upon their arrival, they learned of the King's passing and found the kingdom morning his death. Zelda directed the funeral, heavy with sorrow and pain. She had always known that Alart had been evil, but she never knew how vulnerable her father could be.

After the funeral, Link returned to the barracks with his friends, which felt like returning to an old, familiar home. He had no worries anymore. Zelda had provided Ayrll and Dack with a modest home near the barracks that Link would be able to visit frequently, and they were safe from his father who soon would be executed.

When he arrived to the barracks, he glanced back at the castle from whence he came. Zelda was in there, somewhere. They were certain to meet again (he was still her appointed knight after all) but things would be different from now on. They had confessed their feelings to each other, well knowing that there was nothing they could do about it.

A pity, Link decided. It would have been amazing. She...she will just have to do without me I suppose.

"Sir Link!"

Link smiled as he turned to his captain, "good evening Captain Odger."

"And good eventing to you my boy," he thumped him on the back. "I hear you are here to stay!"

"That's right," Link said with a shrug. "Hyrule is my home."

"That brightens my soul," Odger said with a wide smile. "And I've got another surprise for you."

"What could it be?"

"Do you remember how I nominated you to be captain? Well, the captain of the guard has approved you for promotion!"

"That's great," Link said with a chuckle. A few weeks earlier he had told the captain that he hadn't wanted the assignment. But now that his family was safe and he didn't plan to leave Hyrule, he was sure he would want such a position.

"All thanks to me I would say," Odger said with a wink as he stroked his grey beard. "That means you will have to choose between becoming a captain or staying as the queen's appointed knight."

Queen Zelda. That's right, her coronation was taking place the next day.

"I shall decide later on," Link told his friend. "Though did you hear that I've fallen in love with her highness?"

"Of course, you did," Odger laughed. "I knew it would happen when you received the assignment."

"It's a pity. She...confessed her love to me as well, but I am not qualified it seems. All it would take is a small amount of royal blood in my body—yet it's something I can never acquire."

"Link, Link," Odger placed his hands on Link's shoulders. "I heard of what you did, you saved the queen's life. You are more than qualified to take her hand in marriage. And she loves you—what more must a man want? If it were up to me, son, I would arrange your marriage myself."

"I'm sure you would," Link said, grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you for bringing me the news."

"Of course!" He gave Link a quick hug and then went on his way.

Later that evening, via messenger, Link was summoned to Queen Zelda. Upon arriving to her presence on a spacious balcony, Link couldn't help but stare.

She was in a beautiful and massive gown, woven from blue and green in a very fanciful pattern. Must be for the coronation tonight.

She noticed his staring at the clothing and did a little twirl, "like what you see?"

"'s wonderful," Link complimented. "You wear it very well."

"Thank you," Zelda replied with a small curtsey. "Will you join me?"

He walked up and leaned next to her on the balcony railing, overlooking the fields of Hyrule. The sun was beginning to set.

Zelda leaned on the railing as well. "I am worried I won't be a very good queen."

"Why is that?"

"I don't feel wise, like my father. I'm afraid of so many things. What if someone tries to kill me? It happened so easily to my father. I thought I had more time to prepare for this, but now it is suddenly thrust upon me. I...I tremble when I think about it."

Link glanced over and saw that Zelda's hands were indeed shaking. She had a worried look on her face. Link took her hands in his and pressed them. "Hyrule is lucky to have a queen such as you."

She nodded at him to elaborate. "You saved my life Zelda. It is thanks to you that I was able to confront father, you brought him to us. You cared deeply about me even though I was a distant stranger. I think you understand the common people quite well." He looked at her green eyes and smiled. "The people are going to love you."

He squeezed her hands again, "and as for the threats you may feel for you life, you needn't worry. I shall continue to protect you as your appointed knight until the end of my days."

Zelda gave him a funny look, "don't you mean as my king?"

Link started. "Excuse me?"

"Ah, so you haven't heard the news," Zelda playfully said as she began to walk away from him.

Link followed and walked right beside her, "what news?"

Zelda smirked at him, "well, once I become queen, my first decree will be that I, Zelda, may marry whomever I wish."

Link furrowed his brow in confusion. "Won't the royal family not allow that to happen?"

Zelda waved a hand, "the royal family will bicker as always. I am sure they will let me make this small decision. After all, you saved my life."

"Small decision?" Link asked, raising an eyebrow. "And more accurately, you saved mine."

"Alart was chasing after me and you caught up to him," Zelda said pointedly.

"Then you...hit him with a fry pan," Link said breaking out into laughter.

"Well it was the only thing I could find in time!" Zelda said defensively. "Fine. We saved each other's lives. Does that not mean we should be together?"

Link calmed his laugh and held her hands in his own. "I suppose it does." He waited a few more moments as he gazed into her eyes. "Alright then. Zelda...will you marry me?"

It was Zelda's turn to raise an eyebrow, "are you serious? We would have to court for a couple of months at least."

Link stared at the queen. "But...did you not just..."

She patted him on the chest and walked past him, "ask me again in a few months and we shall see what I decide."

Link sighed and followed after her. She was quite a tease after all.

I Love You, Always Forever; A Medieval Zelink Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now