Deep Thoughts (13)

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Hello peeps! Thank you for entering another chapter of my procrastinated story! I'm terribly sorry for making you all wait so long for an update. Just know that I do intend to finish, though it might take a bit. My goal is to finish this by the end of my Christmas break (I'm in college so I get three weeks!!)

I have been super stressed this week, I had a ton of assignments do yesterday, and so to destress and reward myself for my performance in school yesterday I gave myself a long while to work on this chapter. This semester I have been in a creative writing class, and so I imagine my writing is better than the last chapter I had written! I wonder if any of you will notice any good changes in my writing/my style?

Regardless, thank you again for reading. To the few people who are continuing to read this book, thank you. Your support means a lot.

If you want to keep reading this author's note, I just want to tell you a bit of my plans after finishing this story. I don't think I'll return to write another fanfiction in my life, I think I am moving past this. I am really interested in writing my own series, publishing either traditionally or self-publishing. It will be a long road, but I really hope I can achieve at least one book in the next five to ten years (it'll have to be a side hobby, I wish I could write full time but it just seems too risky for me). I might post a short story on my other account that I wrote this semester that introduces the worldbuilding for the series I am planning to write. I am crazy excited!

Maybe that was the wrong place to tell all my followers this, but there ya go. It'll be sad to be done with fanfiction, but it's been a great stepping stone to help me better my writing for my eventual original content. Thanks again for reading this chapter.

I don't own the characters in this chapter that are associated with Nintendo's franchise, The Legend of Zelda. I do however own the characters that are not apart of that franchise, and I own the plot. Please do not post my work anywhere else. The word count for this chapter excluding the author's note is 2041 words.

Thanks again for reading!


Zelda was up and ready much earlier than usual. Usually she would find an excuse to stay in her comfortable, large, warm bed and wait for her ladies-in-waiting to pull her out. Link had said that this morning he would come with a desire to serve the throne. She was excited to see him, it would be such a better use of time than her time with Prince Nib from last night.

As she sat in her full bathtub that she had filled herself (as either Malon or Saria were usually the ones to fill it) she pondered the conversation she had had with Link the day before. He had said that he needed to leave Hyrule. He had asked her what was more important--her kingdom or her family.

Well, of course her kingdom was more important! She couldn't neglect the running of the kingdom or doing her duty simply because her father had a cold. He had people to attend him and Zelda would need to take over some temporary responsibilities if such a thing were to occur.

On the other hand she began to think--her only living relatives that she spent time with these days was her father and Cobalt. Cobalt was safe, he was taking care of himself. Her father was in a similar state. She didn't have any siblings, though she would have loved to have an older brother. Perhaps Link had pressing issues with family members of his.

She had made assumptions about his situation. If Cobalt were in danger, would she not be willing to leave her Kingdom temporarily so that she could care to him? When she thought of her answer she felt silly in the way she had responded to Link. Of course she would, she would hardly hesitate. It might be a different story if she were the queen already, but surely she would do what she could.

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