Chapter 1

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"Seriously Sana are you gonna reject him?" Nayeon ask Sana who is ignoring here. Nayeon brush her hair and sigh. She can't believe that Sana reject the most handsome employee in their department. If she was in that position she would accept him as her boyfriend.

"Sana are you listening? Girl you reject Kim Taehyung the handsome and perfect guy" Sana look Nayeon blankly. And again she ignore her Nayeon just got annoyed because of the girl's reaction.

"Girl you know what, if you act like that you can't get a boyfriend or worst husband" finally Sana look at her. Poker face that was Sana gave to Nayeon.

"Girl don't give me that look. Give me some explanation why you reject him"

"You know I don't know why you become my bestfriend" Sana said to her

"Hey I'm still your bestfriend though. I'm just concern about your love life since you have a stable job" Nayeon said to her and Sana look at her and ignore her once again.

"The heck Sana don't ignore me" Sana sigh and look at her said

"Unnie many times I told that I don't want to involve in a relationship. I am busy and guys can wait. I'm not that old" Sana explain why she doesn't want to be in a relationship. She thinks that relationship is waste of time and money. She prefer to waste her money to her beloved puppy shibainu and named her Shine.

"Okay whatever. I'm just concern Sana. Btw you want to have some fun tonight" Nayeon said and wiggle her eyebrows. Sana look at her and ignore her for the 3rd time. Nayeon pouts

"Okay so you won't join me I gonna sleepover at you place. Are you okay with that? Yes or Yes?" Nayeon ask her with a excitement in her eyes. Sana just nodded because she can't no to her unnie. No one can't stop Im Nayeon.

After their work, both of them are now walking to the bus station. While waiting to the bus. Nayeon ask Sana

"Sana what if you buy a car so that we can't waste our time wait for the bus"

"What if you are the one to buy since you are the one who is complaining?" Sana answer her sarcastically Nayeon roll her eyes.

"Duh you have a better salary than mine"

"Unnie it's more fun if I commute and I enjoy having a little travel" Sana said to Nayeon and she smile knowing that Sana is enjoying little things in life.

They waited for minutes finally the bus came. Two of them found their comfortable seat and put their earphones they listen to the music. They are enjoying a little alone time.

After a minutes the bus stop and Nayeon notice a two guys that is walking towards them and they sit at the opposite side of where they are sitting.

Nayeon got stuck at the gut who is tall but a little bit smaller than to the guy beside him. That guy is really giving her the bad boy aura that made Nayeon eyes on him then she feel that her heart start beats faster.

The guy notice that the girl beside him looking at him. He smirked

"Excuse me but don't look at me like that. I know I'm handsome" she smile while looking at her. Nayeon realized what she did and she pretend that she didn't hear what the handsome guy said is.

Sana who is busy listening to the music and she notice how Nayeon's actions become uncomfortable. She look at her and Nayeon is blushing looking straight forward.

"Unnie are you okay? Are feeling sick or something you face is red" Sana ask her and she keeps checking if she is hot or not. Nayeon look at Sana and held her hand.

"I'm fine Sana. I think I'm just tired" Nayeon said while her fave still in red. Sana nodded and look around if they are near to her house. While looking around she notice the guy in their opposite seat.

He's handsome but not my type wait why I'm checking him out.

Sana ignore her thoughts and check her phone. The face of the guy keeps flushing in her mind. And she feel a something spark in her heart. Sana look at the woman again but Nayeon interrupts her.

"Sana we are here now" Nayeon stand up quickly and run leaving Sana who is confused about Nayeon's action. What's wrong with her? Sana follow her unnie.

"Hey unnie why are you on hurry?" Sana shout and run to catch up on Nayeon. Nayeon stop and look at Sana.

"I'm gonna pee. Hurry!" Nayeon start to run again and she finally arrive at Sana's house. She quickly go to bathroom and pretend she wanted to pee but she is not. She made a excuse to cover up her embarrassing moment earlier in the bus.

"I hope that I'm won't meet you again" after a minute she come out and she see Sana walking towards the kitchen with her puppy. Nayeon followed her and Sana look at her.

"So what are you gonna do here?"

"Movie marathon" Nayeon answer with a bright smile. Sana nodded and they order a food in case that they will be hungry while watching.

While the movie is going on Sana notice Shine who is sleeping in the leg of Nayeon. She look Shine with a lovely look and she smile. I don't care about guys. I have my Shine. After a few minutes the two of them fall into sleep.


Authors Note: Hi everyone! Another story uwu❤ since 'After Moon got 1k reads yehey❤ I promise myself that I write a SaTzu fanfic and here it is. To all sapphires out there hiii this is for you all guys❤ again I'm not good at writing but I'm doing my best since this is my hobby❤ thank you for reading❤❤

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