Chapter 18

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In the same day :)

"Chae, you still not done?" Somi asked Chaeyoung who is busy in his drawing. Chaeyoung at her and nodded.

"You still love her?" Somi asked Chaeyoung and he nodded. He stop his work and look at her.

"I never stop loving her" Chaeyoung said and Somi nodded. She look at Chaeyoung's drawing. It was a portrait of a beautiful woman. Somi know what is his trying to draw.

"It looks like she move on from you" Somisaid still looking at the drawing. Chaeyoung look at his drawing.

"Yeah I think" Chaeyoung said with a sad tone. Somi pat his shoulder. Then a tear fell off in Chaeyoung eyes.

"You know, you should talk to her" Somi said and Chaeyoung wipe off his tear. He doesn't want to see Somi that he is crying.

"What for?" Chaeyoung said and look at his cousin. "To say that I'm a distraction to her? Damn no" Chaeyoung said and look again to his artwork.

"It is better for the both of you. The both of you need a proper closure" Somi said and Chaeyoung shake his head.

"No I can't talk to her" Chaeyoungsaid and Somi look at him. My poor cousin Somi thought.

"I can't force you. But it is better to talk to her. I bet the two of you will be meet" Somi said and Chaeyoung stare at his artwork.

Why I can't move on from you? He thought

Back on SaTzu

The two are busy on watching anime movie. When Tzuyu phone ring, he look at it and he excuse himself to Sana.


Hey Chou

Oh hi

Where are you? Can I talk to you?

I'm in the shop I don't think I can



Don't tell me... yieee having a moments with her yieee. Okay okay I don't wanna ruin your date with her.

Okay hahaha

I'll text you what I want to say

Okay it is about him, right? the way have a good day

You too take care minaaa

Okay bye

After the call Tzuyu go back to his seat. Sana look at him she don't know if she can asked Tzuyu who is calling him but she can't.

"It's Mina noona" Tzuyu said and she smile at Sana. Sana nodded and she hide her red face.

Tzuyu smile is really affected her. Tzuyu is look so charming when he smile and his dimples is so deep.

"Okay. You two are close?" Sana asked and she doesn't want to face Tzuyu. Tzuyu look at her.

"Yeah" Tzuyu directly said and Sana nodded. Tzuyu face her and Sana flinched.

"Wanna know why I know her" Tzuyu said and Sana look away. She can't look at Tzuyu.

"Mina noona buy her dog. You know Ray?" Tzuyu asked and Sana nodded. She remember Ray when Mina bring Ray in the set.

"Wait Mina had Ray when she is in elementary. How I mean she is older than you?" Sana asked and Tzuyu pause the movie.

"The shop is already exist that time. My mother is the one who is the owner. Dad renovated this place and change the name" Tzuyu said and he smile at the memories came into his mind. Sana is listening to him.

"Our mother died when I was 9 years old and hyung is 11" Tzuyu said

"I'm sorry" Sana said and she put her head down. Tzuyu look at her and pat her head.

"It's okay. I already move on" Tzuyu said and Sana look up. Their eyes meet each other. A minute already passed but their eyes never leave each other.

Beating hearts, eyes are sparkling, face are closer. The moment they have is overwhelming.

Tzuyu eyes land on Sana lips. Same with Sana. Dug dug dug dug their face are coming closer. Dug dug dug dug one wrong move their lips will be touch.

"PAPI!!!" Both of them pull away and look at each other. Their face are already red.

"Hey there you are....?" Dahyun said and look at the two. Tzuyu look at him and awkwardly smile.

Sana froze at her place and still processing. Dahyun grin and he crossed his arms.

"What did you?" Dahyun asked and Tzuyu immediately shook his head. Dahyun grin more.

"Ey why is it? Why are your face is red and Sana noona?" Dahyun said and he approach the two. Sana come back to her sense and face Dahyun.

"Nothing happens" Sana defense and Dahyun smile and he poke Tzuyu's dimple.

"Really?" Dahyun said with a teas9ng smile. Tzuyu nodded. And he fix himself.

"By the way what are you doing here?" Tzuyu asked and Dahyun sit in the chair.

"I need assistance papi. Chaeyoung is not responding to my messages" Dahyun said and he pout. Tzuyu look at him.

"Sorry but I can't leave the shop" Tzuyu said and Dahyun whines.

"Fine, I'm going to his house" Dahyun said

"It's Saturday hyung. You have work" Tzuyu asked and Dahyun pout again.

"Boss Jihyo want me to cover up the photoshoot today" Dahyun said and Tzuyu nodded. Tzuyu pat his head.

"Fighting" Tzuyu said and Dahyun nodded. After that Dahyun left the shop because he going to Chaeyoung's house.

The two can't look at each other because of the scene earlier. Sana blush remembering the scene earlier.

"T-tzuyu I-i need to g-go now" Sana said and she immediately left without looking at Tzuyu. While Tzuyu looking at the door and he touch his chest where his heart. It keeps beating so fast.

This is bad Tzuyu thought.


Note:Hi guys sorry again for the late update I am busy. Busy finalizing our research sorry again. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote or leave a comment 💕

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