Chapter 41

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"Sana hey are you okay?" Taehyung said and he wave his hand to Sana. Sana look at him and smile


"You are spacing out. Are you thinking of him again?" Taehyung asked and Sana deeply breath nodded her head.

"Yeah, I always think of him. If he is eating well or sleeping well. I miss him, I don't know why he can't contact me" Sana said and she look at her phone. She always see the tweets about Elkie and she can't deny that she is jealous.

"I wonder if it's his girlfriend or not" Sana said and Taehyung look at Sana phone.

"It looks like but what if she is just a friend or maybe a family member. We don't know Sana if you don't dm him and asked" Taehyung said and Sana glare at him.

"No I will wait for him to dm me. I starting to hate him" Sana said and Taehyung just laugh.

"Chou Tzuyu, he is handsome huh. Sana can I have him?" Taehyung said and Sana kick him.

"No he is mine. Stop that!" Sana said and Taehyung just stalk Tzuyu account.

"Now I know why you fall in love with him" Taehyung said that made Sana look at him.

"He is a dog lover and a charming smile that can make your heart melt. Charming guy to be exact" Taehyung said and Sana smile

"He is also a cutie pie. I wish that he go home already so that I can talk to him. I'm going crazy" Sana said and Taehyung just laugh

"Why not you date me?" Taehyun asked and Sana glare at him

"Stop your friend will be jealous" Sana said and laugh at Taehyun who is frozen. Taehyung realize about his friend that likes him

"Stop talking about him. You have much complicated lovelife than mine" Taehyung said

"Guys break is over! Let's go back to work!" the assign photographer said and the two back to their poses.

Jeongyeon is waiting at Nayeon who is doing her photoshoot. Nayeon pose so beautiful that made the staff compliment her. Nayeon smile brightly to them.

"Jeongiee" Nayeon said and give Jeongyeon a hug. Jeongyeon kiss her forehead.

"You are doing great my bunny" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon smile at her. The photoshoot is already finish and Jeongyeon help the manager of Nayeon to fix her things so that they can go home already.

"Nayeon let's go? I'm hungry" Jeongyeon said and he back hug Nayeon. Nayeon is still on her phone and Jeongyeon look who is texting her. It's Jihyo

"Are you going to Paris? I thought you already declined the offer" Jeongyeon said and he broke the hug. Nayeon look back at him and hold his hand.

"Yeah but I realized that it is a great oppurtunity Jeongie. Imagine if I accept that there is a chance that one of the famous brand get me as their model" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon shook his head.

"We already talk about this. You said that you want to work here only. You said that you will be my side until we recover the shop" Jeongyeon said and he walk out carrying Nayeon's things.

"Let's go? Talk to him later" the manager said and Nayeon nodded. Jeongyeon is in the driver seat with the manager in the shot gun seat. Nayeon look at him

"I'm going home now Nayeon. Tomorrow is your free day you can do whatever you want or rest" the manager said and Nayeon nodded. Jeongyeon drive her to her condo.

"Jeongyeon can we talk?" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon hold her hand.

"Take a rest we will talk tomorrow. Goodnight" Jeongyeon said and kiss her forehead. And he left without saying the three words.

"He didn't say I love you" Nayeon whisper and she look at Jeongyeon's car disappear.

Jeongyeon need to calm himself so he go to his favorite bar where Jin is the owner. He go inside the people are already going wild.

"One beer please" Jeongyeon said to the bartender. The bartender nodded and give his drink. He want to drink only few to calm himself he doesn't to drink alot since he is going to drive. He also doesn't want Nayeon to worry about him.

Jeongyeon don't know that Jimin is there. Jimin smile evil and he told one of his girls to seduce Jeongyeon. So that he take a picture and send it to Nayeon.

"Hi handsome, wanna drink with me" the girk said and she trying to catch Jeongyeon's attention. But she failed, she hold Jeongyeon's hand and put it in her cleavage. Jeongyeon pull his hand and push the girl lightly.

"What are you doing? Go away" Jeongyeon said but the girl don't give up. She pour something in his beer and smile at him. Jeongyeon didn't know that something is already mix with his drink. He drink it up and he is about to go home when the girl pull him closer.

Jeongyeon mind is already blank and he doesn't know what is happening.

Morning came and Nayeon is still waiting for Jeongyeon's text when she recieved a text from a unknown number. She thought that it is a spam number when she accidentally open the message.


Your boyfriend is enjoying his time yesterday night. Oops he kissed someone.

 Oops he kissed someone

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Nayeon watch the video. It is true that Jeongyeon is the guy who is kissing someone else. Nayeon is crying while watching the video and she drive going to Jeongyeon condo. She is still crying and many people recognized her. But she doesn't care. She quickly insert Jeongyeon password and go inside.

Nayeon saw Jeongyeon who is sleeping and her heart broke when she saw his clothes that on the floor. Jeongyeon is topless and Nayeon smash her bag to Jeongyeon's face that made him wake up. Nayeon is crying while hitting Jeongyeon's chest.

"What the fuck?" Jeongyeon said and he hold both Nayeon hand. He is shocked when he see that Nayeon is crying.

"Why are you crying?" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon slap him.

"You cheater! LET'S BREK UP!" Nayeon said that made Jeongyeon look at her.

"What? Why?" Jeongyeon said and he still confused and hold his head. Nayeon throw her phone at Jeongyeon. He saw the video of his kissing the girl and he look at hinself.

"What the fuck" Jeongyeon cursed and he hold Nayeon hand.

"Nayeon listen to me. I didn't know what happen!" Jeongyeon said

"Are you trying to fool me? It is clear that you fucking kissed that girl and sex with her?!" Nayeon said and that made Jeongyeon tear up

"Oh it's true. I HATE YOU! DON'T EVER CONTACT ME AGAIN!" Nayeon said and she left Jeongyeon who is crying.

"You ard fucking bastard Jeongyeon" Jeongyeon said and he punch the wall.


Note: I will try my best to update this week. I have a upcoming exam this week. I hope I can update.

Btw THANK YOU FOR THE 20K READS YEHEY!!! Thank you for supporting my story🥰❤

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