Chapter 46

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Nayeon is busy feeding the dogs and cats. Also she is looking around because she wants to raise a dog.

"Maam drink some water" Nayeon's manager said and Nayeon accept her water and drink it.

"By the way did you talk to the care taker?" Nayeon asked and her nodded her head.

"Yes maam you can talk the care taker" her manager said and she fix herself and go to the office.

Nayeon saw a man back facing her and talking to the care taker. She recognized the back and her heart start to beat faster.

"Oh Ms. Im nice to see you" the care taker said and the man look back. Nayeon shocked to see Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon just look at her blankly

"Y-yeah sorry to distrub. I will go back-" the care taker cut off Nayeon.

"No no I wanna meet you Dr. Yoo he is the new volunteer vet" the care taker said and Jeongyeon offer his hand to Nayeon.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, new vet" Jeongyeon said and Nayeom accept it. But deep inside she is already nervous.

She notice how much Jeongyeon change from his apperance and his eyes emotionless. Both arms of Jeongyeon has a tattoo and his piercing on his ears.

"Im Nayeon, volunteer" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon smirk

"I know you are a model right?" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon nodded

"Dr. Yoo you are right. By the way is your younger brother going here?" the care taker asked

"Yeah, I told them to go here after they go around the Seoul" Jeongyeon said and his phone ring

"Yow where are you?" Jeongyeon asked on the other line.

"Coming we are near" Tzuyu said and he hang up the call. Jeongyeon is about to talk to Nayeon when Nayeon's manager call her.

"Maam Jihyo said that you have a meeting right now" the manager said and Nayeon nodded. She left quickly without saying a word to Jeongyeon.

Nayeon get inside the car when another car arrive. It was Tzuyu, Elkie and Yeona. Nayeon's car is already far away when the three go out.

Chou Tzuyu @chtzy


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Son Chaeyoung✔ @sonchae

➡️ Chou Tzuyu @chtzy
Surprise bitch

Chou Tzuyu @chtzy

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"Tzuyu make sure that Yeona will drink her medicine so that her asthma will not come back" Jeongyeon said and Tzuyu nodded. Yeona is already sleeping in Jeongyeon's arms.

"You will not going home?" Tzuyu asked and Elkie get Yeona to Jeongyeon but Yeona is hugging Jeongyeon tight.

"Nope I will stay up here to check. I will go home tomorrow morning don't worry" Jeongyeon said and he give Yeona to Elkie.

"Baby go to auntie. I will go home tomorrow" Jeongyeon said and he kiss Yeona's head. Yeona start to sob and hug Elkie tight.

After a few hours thet arrive at the mansion. Tzuyu furrowed his eyebrow because the light is not open. Yeona suddenly awake.

"Uncle where are we?" Yeona asked and they go inside.

"SURPRISEEEEEE BITCHH!" the three shocked when they saw Chaeyoung and Dahyun holding a banner saying "WELCOME HOME PAPI" and with Mr. Yoo that is holding cake.

"What the fuck hahahaha" Tzuyu said and they laugh. The two run to Tzuyu and give him a big hug.

"Papi I miss you" Dahyun said and Chaeyoung nodded. The two broke the hug and they saw Yeona who is curious what is happening.

"Hi baby Yeona!" Chaeyoung said and giggle like a little kid. Yeona smile at them and the two melt because of cuteness.

"Hi! Who are you?" Yeona asked and the smile at Yeona

"I'm your Uncle Chaeyoung!"

"Uncle Dahyun here!" Yeona nodded and smile at them. Yeona saw her grandpa walking towards her.

"Papsie!" Yeona said and run towards Mr. Yoo.

"I finally see you Yeona" Mr. Yoo said and start to tear up.

"You are so beautiful" Mr. Yoo said and Chaeyoung and Dahyun introduced themselves to Elkie.

"Yeona is such a cutie" Dahyun said and he take a picture of Yeona.

"I wanna have a daugther" Chaeyoung suddenly said that made the two look at him.

"Then make a baby- aw" Chaeyoung punch Dahyun at his arms.

"By the way bro I was planning to propose to Mina. Help me out" Chaeyoung said and Tzuyu wide his eyes

"Really? Wow okay I will help you. When?" Tzuyu asked

"Tomorrow evening. Since you are here I was planning to introduced Yeona to them. They know about Yeona and they are curious about her" Chaeyoung said and Tzuyu nodded his head.

"Bro I'm not the father. Ask permission to her father. And hyung is still busy at the animal shelter I don't think he can join us" Tzuyu said

"Its okay" Chaeyoung said later at the midnight Tzuyu call Jeongyeon.

"Yes bro?"

"Chaeyoung is gonna propose to Mina tomorrow and the squad want to meet Yeona" Tzuyu said

"It's okay to me but make sure explain everything. About Nayeon I will talk to her. I heard to the care taker that Nayeon will stay here next week" Jeongyeon said and Tzuyu smile

"Please fix everything about you and Nayeon noona"

"Don't worry I will"

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