Chapter 9

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"Tzu I'm nervous" Dahyun said. Now they are walking to the company.

"You only gonna pass it" Tzuyu said and he tries to clam down his hyung.

"Yeah I know but Momo is gonna be there. I'm nervous" Dahyun said while hugging his portfolio. Tzuyu put his arms on Dahyun's shoulder.

"My cutie hyung Momo noona is not scary and be confident" Tzuyu said still Dahyun is nervous.

"What if I stutters in front of her, that would be embarrassing"

"Then don't be nervous. Always confident"

"Okay here we come" Dahyun cheer himself and they both enter the company.

Meanwhile in the shop. Jeongyeon still stalking Nayeon's account and still waiting for her response.

"Why is she taking long huh" Jeongyeon check his message. It was sent but didn't even reply.

Im Nayeon

Hi :)

If you wondering who I am. I'm Jeongyeon your future boyfriend😉

Hey why are not replying and follow me back to see my handsome face

@imnabongs: The fuck you want?

Tsk why are so mean?😣

@imnabongs: Whatever don't message me

No I will still message you
Hey Nayeon
Ugly old woman


OSTRICH?! How did you know my nickname? Yiee are you stalking me? Uwu

@imnabongs: NO! Don't message me I have work.

Then later. Coffee?

@imnabongs: Whatever

Nice I will pick up you in your company later. See you bunny😊

Jeongyeon smile widely. And he didn't notice that someone is entering the shop.

"Uhm excuse me?"

"Yeah. May I help you?" Jeongyeon ask and he notice Shine

"Oh are you the owner of Shine? Sana right?" Jeongyeon ask and Sana nodded.

"Yeah I'm gonna leave Shine here. I will get here around 6pm" Sana said and she handed Shine to Jeongyeon.

"Yeah sure" Jeongyeon said and he carry Shine on his arms.

"By the way is Tzuyu here?" Sana ask because she didn't see Tzuyu.

"Ah that boy. He accompany his friend. I'm Jeongyeon and your friend is Nayeon right?" Jeongyeon ask while smiling.

"Yeah uhm Jeongyeon I'm going now"

"Okay Sana. I will take care Shine" Jeongyeon said and Sana go out.

Sana is already inside the company and she is going to her spot when Nayeon call her.

"Sana ya Ms. Park wants to talk to you"

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