Chapter 28

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Jeongyeon: Hey Nabongs


Jeongyeon: Where are you? I already finish my work. Lets have a lunch😊

Sure wait. I will change my clothes

Jeongyeon: Great, I will pick you up

Okay, Sana go a date with Tzuyu. I hope that they will stay longer

Jeongyeon: They will. Trust my brother. Btw I have something to tell you


Jeongyeon: I want to be a superhero. Guess who is it?

Who? Iron man? You know that I love Iron man. You will dress as Iron man?

Jeongyeon: No, yourman😉


Jeongyeon: hahahah bye nabongs. See you😘

Yeah see you❤ I love you😘

Jeongyeon: I love you too❤😘

Nayeon quickly prepare herself and put some make ups. She smile at her thought that she is already have a boyfriend and a stable job.

"Everything is already settled but why do I feel incomplete" Nayeon said and she erase her thoughts and continue what she is doing.

After a half of hour, Jeongyeon arrive and knock on the door. Nayeon immediately open the door and give Jeongyeon a tight hug. Jeongyeon smile at kiss Nayeon forehead.

Some of people who is passing them smile. And a bunch of high school students pass.

"Sana all" the one said and the two confused because they don't understand what they are saying.

"Come inside. The old lady might see us and she might start talking nonsense" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon follow her inside.

"Is this Sana condo? Its simple but confortable" Jeongyeon said and Nayeo  nodded.

"Yup, actually Sana bought this and since I don't want to go home. So I decided to stay here" Nayeon said and she give Jeongyeon a water and sit beside him.

Jeongyeon some and pull Nayeon into a hug. Nayeon hug back and she inhale Jeongyeon perfume.

"You smell good" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon chuckled.

"Only for you"

"Bunny you don't want to go home?" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon look up.


"It is because of your father? Bunny your father might change his mind. You have me and I bet he will like since I am doctor" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon smile at him.

"I'm not ready Jeong" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon just smile at her. He pat Nayeon head and hug her again.

"Take your time. Don't rush things" Jeongyeon said and he broke the hug.

"Lets go, I'm hungry" Jeongyeon said and they go to a fancy restaurant. They had a simple date and they both enjoy the lunch.

"Bye call me if you go home safely" Nayeon said and she about to go inside when Jeongyeon pull her and kiss her.

Nayeon blush and soon she respond to the kiss. Jeongyeon broke the kiss ans smile at her. Nayeon blush and she pinch his side

"Don't kiss me like that" Nayeon said and she fan herself. Jeongyeon just laugh and he hold her cheeks.

"You are so cute when you are shy" Jeongyeon said and he planted kiss on Nayeon face all over. Nayeon giggle and puke her lips.

"Another one?" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon cutely nodded. He smile and kiss Nayeon sweetly.

"I will stop here. I'm going to check the shop" Jeongyeon said and Nayeon nodded.

"Call me if you get home" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon nodded. The two wave at each other and go inside.

Meanwhile SaTzu

Sana and Tzuyu are having fun playing with Shine in the park. They are having a little picnic and having fun playing with other dogs.

"Shine is very active" Tzuyu said and he sit while breathing heavenly. Sana approach him and give him a water.

"You are sweating, wait I will get a towel" Sana said and she goes to her bag and get a face towel. Sana come back to Tzuyu and she start to wipe Tzuyu sweat.

"Why are you sweating so much?" Sana said and she is busy wiping Tzuyu face. Tzuyu look at her and smile.

"I like this" Tzuyu said and Sana look at him.

"Why do I want to kiss you" Tzuyu said and Sana put towel on his face and look away.

"Hey are you blushing? I'm just kidding" Tzuyu said and he pull her closer.

"Get used to it" Tzuyu said and Sana ignore him. Sana is busy watching Shine who is running around the park. She smile and Tzuyu is just looking at her.

"You are so beautiful" he thought and he steal a kiss on her cheeks. Sana is shocked and she look at Tzuyu she wided her eyes.

"Hehe" Tzuyu giggle and Sana pinch him.


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