Chapter 14

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"Why are you smiling like that? You look so creepy" Nayeon said while looking at Sana. Sana glare at Nayeon.

"Wait why are you here huh?" Sana asked Nayeon. She just smile and hug Sana.

"Can I stay here again? I don't want to go home" Nayeon said while pouting at Sana. Sana look at and she nodded. She don't have a choice but to agree.

"Yes you are best bestfriend in the world! I love you!" Nayeon said and she hug Sana more. Sana hug back and she pat Nayeon's head.

"Okay I can't resist you. And why are you carry a large bag" Sana said while glancing at Nayeon's bag. Nayeon broke the hug and look at Sana.

"My father already knows and he is mad at me" Nayeon said with a sad face. Sana nodded and she hug Nayeon again.

"It's okay unnie. I know you love modelling" Sana said and she feel that Nayeon is already sobbing. Sana knows that Nayeon passion are modelling and designing but her father wants her to be a doctor.

Nayeon never listen to her father and she took up fashion designer without her father's permission because of that her father left her with her mother.

"He still pursuing you to become a doctor?" Sana asked and Nayeon nodded. Sana just hug her.

"Sana ya should I accept?" Nayeon asked since Nayeon is thinking that this time she will follow her father's request.

"It's up to you unnie. But for me follow your heart and your dreams. Unnie you want to be a famous model right?" Sana said and she caress the older back. Nayeon broke the hug and she wipe her eyes and nose.

"Yeah but all this years, I don't follow his request" Nayeon said and Sana look at her.

"Are you happy with your work?" Sana asked and Nayeon nodded. Sana hold her hand.

"Then do what makes you happy. Don't do things because of your father request" Sana said

"If your father loves you, he will understand" Sana said and Nayeon hug her again. Sana hug back.

"Thank you Sana" Nayeon said and Sana smile and pat her head.

"I don't know what I'm doing to do, if you are not here" Nayeon said and Sana broke the hug.

"I should be more thankful. Because you are my bestfriend" The two laugh at each other because of the cheesy confession.

Meanwhile at the resident of Yoo. Jeongyeon is busy cleaning the living room. While Tzuyu is in his room looking at his phone.

"That kid! He always at his room and not helping me with this damn trash" Jeongyeon complain while cleaning the food that eaten by Tzuyu. Mr. Yoo looking at his son face and laugh.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT DAD!?" Jeongyeon shouted at his father. His father stop laughing and clear his throat.

"Stop nagging, you look like a old man" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon calm himself.

"Chill my dear son your younger brother is having his moment" Jeongyeon ignore his dad and continue to clean. Mr. Yoo look at his son cleaning.

"Having a hard time my son" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon look at him. He nodded while looking at the floor.

"Hays come here, give your father a hug" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon runs to him and give him a tight hug.

"Is another patient of yours died?" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon nodded.

"Everything will be okay Jeong. You are a doctor, set aside your emotions and be professional" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon nodded.

"I know dad but seeing those dog owner crying because of what happen to their buddy. It makes my heart break. I am a doctor but I can't save them" Jeongyeon said and he keeps hugging his father.

"It's okay to feel that but don't let your emotions eat you" Mr. Yoo said and Jeongyeon hug him more.

"I wish mom is here" Jeongyeon said. While the two having a moment. Suddenly Tzuyu go out to his room because he feel hungry. He see that his older brother and his dad hugging each other.

He smile and run into them and give them a tight hug. The two surprised.

"FAMILY HUG!" Tzuyu said and the two laugh. Even though Tzuyu is not his own son but he treat him as a his own son.

Tzuyu is kind hearted guy. He is a soft person but sometimes some people is taking advantage on him. That's why he barely go out to his room.

"Dad can we have a ice cream?" Tzuyu asked Mr. Yoo and Mr. Yoo nodded. Tzuyu knows that his older brother is having hard time. Ice cream is their comfort food.

The three of them is enjoying their ice cream and Mr. Yoo keeps telling jokes to his sons.


Note: Short update hehe maybe tomorrow or on Saturday I will update again. Thank you for reading💕💕 Don't forget to vote or leave a comment💕 Thank you so much💕

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