Chapter 55

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Sally- Tzuyu and Jeongyeon's mother
Haru- Sana's father
Jowoon- Jeongyeon's father

(Ps: It is not their real name using for this story ^_^)


"Sally!" Haru said and he approach the taiwanese woman. Sally smile at him and give him a hug. Haru hug back and kiss her head.

"I miss you" Sally said and Haru smile at her. Haru comeback from Japan for his studies. He promised Sally to comeback at Korea after his studies.

They are already dating for about 5 years and they met at the international school. Haru and Sally are studying English and they are classmates.

"I miss you too" Haru said and they hug each other. Sally helped Haru to carry his luggage.

"Where are you gonna stay?" Sally asked

"Oh at my bestfriend. You know Jowoon? He said that he is the same school with you" Haru said and Sally remember the guy that return her notebook

"Yeah I remember him. He return my notebook last week" Sally said and Haru nodded. The two come to a korean barbeque and talk to each other. They talk about how are is their families and random topics.

"So are you going to a military academy?" Sally asked and Haru nodded.

"Yes is not that my father wants me but I want to be a General. You know the feeling of power and authority" Haru said Sally just smile at him.

"You can do whatever you want and I will support you no matter what" Sally said and Haru smile at her. He really loves Sally and he is determined to marry her after his out in the military.

After 3 days Haru go back to the Japan to start his military. While Sally is studying vet, Jowoon and her became close. Jowoon is a Business Administration student. Everyday they are eating lunch together until the day that he realized that he fell already on Sally.

Sally is very beautiful girl, smart and she is so pure and kind. A lot of guys tried to court her but she reject them because she has Haru already. Haru lost contact on Sally and Sally understand it. Until she found out that Haru is getting married. Sally world crashed and Jowoon is there for her.

Worst is Sally also fell in love with him. Sally realized that Jowoon is very attractive man. He is so caring and even so very sweet, opposite from Haru. Haru is a possessive he doesn't like Sally to wear shorts or even skirt. Jowoon is fine with it but he is protective.

"Love?" Jowoom called Sally who is busy reviewing for her final exams. Jowoon hug back her and kiss her forehead.

"What is it?"

"Maybe later, you are still busy with your study" Jowoon said and Sally stop her work. She look at him and hold his face.

"Tell me" Jowoon smile at her. And caress her cheeks.

"Can we stop this? I'm getting guilty, I want you to break up with him and start a new life with me" Jowoon said and Sally deep breath.

"I already talk to him at a phone yesterday. He said that he is getting married but he doesn't want to. He said that he will object and fight for me" Sally said and Jowoon let her go.

"Is that so? Did you tell him about us?"

"No, I'm afraid that he will do something bad to you. You know that his family is a military, right?" Jowoon nodded and smile to her.

"Yeah okay let's stop this. Haru deserve you" Jowoon said and he left her room. Tears are falling to his handsome face and go out to ease his pain. He is drinking so much and Sally saw him at the convience store.

"Jowoon hey wake up" Sally said but Jowoon is still sleeping. Sally guide him she is struggling. Jowoon is saying something but Sally doesn't hear him.

"I love you so much Sally" Jowoon said and Sally stop walking. She look at him and her tears start to flow.

"I love you too Jowoon. I will go to Japan and I will end things with Haru. You are the one here in my heart. You are the only one not Haru" Sally said and they arrived at her dorm. Sally take care of him and she stared at him.

"Please wait for me. I will come back and marry you. I love you so much Jowoon" Sally said and she go out to sleep at the couch. She doesn't know that Jowoon is already wake up and his tears is flowing. He heared all from the street up to today.

Flashback ended

Jowoon or Mr. Yoo sip his wine and wipe his tears. He doesn't know what to do but he is sure none of them are Haru's son.

"That stupid" Mr. Yoo said and Madam Chou sit beside him. The reason why Mr. Yoo at the airport to fetch Madam Chou but he doesn't know that Gen. Minatozaki is also there.

"He is not Haru's son" Madam Chou said and Mr. Yoo look at her.

"I don't know anymore" Mr. Yoo said

"I can feel it Jowoon. Even though he come first but I know that my daughter choose you over him" Madam Chou said and Mr. Yoo look up at the sky.

"Yeah I'm thankful that she choose me. That is the best day I ever had" Mr. Yoo said and Madam Chou smile

"You deserve my daughter and your two sons plus that little girl Yeona" Madam Chou said and Mr. Yoo smile

"Tzuyu's girlfriend is Sana, Haru's daughter"

"Yeah I know. I won't let Haru destroy their relationship. The two deserve to be happy" Madam Chou said and Mr. Yoo nodded.

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